As Much As I Would

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JackAvery |

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JackAvery |

Last day in paradise with this view... Oh yeah, the oceans pretty too.

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson | Liked by @JonahMarais and 2,345,283 others

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Morning light streamed through the windows, cascading onto their naked bodies for the third and final morning in a row. Her head rested on his chest, both of them awake and simply enjoying their company. He drew shapes on her bareback with warmed hands, her lips pressing chaste kisses on his skin. "Morning, Princess."

Camryn swooned at his morning voice, deep and rough with a tiny crack at the end of each sentence. Leaning back to look at Jack, she smiled up at him. "Indeed it is, J." Jack pressed his lips to Camryn's in short bursts, pulling out of her embrace begrudgingly. Camryn whined at the loss of contact, her chin resting in her palm as she stared at her boyfriends' ass. Despite being caught her gaze didn't waver, but instead, she sent him a wink and crawled out of bed herself. Jacks eyes lazily raked over Camryns body as she crossed the room to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, Camryn poked her head out seconds later with a smirk.

"You coming?"


She wasn't the biggest fan of pink, her favorite color and scent being Lavender. So it was a rare occasion that she wore any shade but today she'd chosen a light pink dress that hit mid-thigh with a small line of ruffles at the end. The straps were thin but not quite spaghetti, her basket material crossbody hanging over one shoulder. She wore a pair of brown heeled sandals and pointed sunglasses to match, pink dangling earrings in her ears. Her eyeshadow and lipstick matched in mauve pink, blonde hair falling in waves. With her sun-kissed skin, she looked like a goddess walking along the beach.

"Damn," Jack had a white button up on, khaki pants rolled up at the ends. He bit his bottom lip while watching her, taking pictures while she giggled and did the same to him. "You look gorgeous, baby girl." Outstretching his hand, Camryn took it and allowed him to pull her further down the beach. The two chatted aimlessly for a few minutes before they reached their destination, a beach picnic.

"You did this?" Camryn threw herself at Jack, the boy catching her with a smile. "Yeah, do you like it?" She looked at the white blanket spread out, covered in cheese and fruit, with pure joy. Instead of answering, Camryn pulled Jack down to her and kissed him feverishly. He smiled into her lips and tangled his hands in her waves, only pulling back for air. 

"I'm gonna take that as a yes,"


A couple of hours and some fun stuff later, Camryn had disappeared into the bathroom. Jack was starting to get worried when it took longer and longer, but he could hear her singing so he wasn't planning on busting down the door anytime soon. He was in his boxers, lounging on the bed when she finally exited. "There you ar- woah." 

Camryn had given herself a perm. It was something they'd always joked about but now she finally had the guts, and skills, to do it. During her time at college, Camryn had taken to doing the hair of other students when she wasn't working at the tattoo parlor with her favorite married couple. She wasn't sure how it'd look but from the way Jack was staring at her she'd have to say it looked pretty dang good.

"Do you like it?" Camryn echoed the words he'd asked earlier, switching from foot to foot nervously. She had on his button-up from earlier and a pair of panties, shuffling closer to Jack. "You look gorgeous, like... wow, princess." He grabbed her hips, pulling her in between his legs. "Looks like you get to do my perms from now on," Camryn laughed, a squeal escaping when he flipped her onto the bed. 

"As much as I want to continue this right here, there's something I need to tell you." Jack smiled down at Camryn, the girl quirking a sarcastic brow. "Don't tell me, you're pregnant?" He snorted leaning back against the headboard and pulling her with him. Camryn settled herself in between his legs, Jack fiddling with her curls. "Not in the slightest, it's actually about your brother." 

She stiffened in his hold, Jack continuing to speak. "As you know, I talk to the guys every day but Corbyn and I just started it up again yesterday. He wants us to come back to LA and talk, possibly even move back." Camryn stayed silent, knowing him well enough to realize there was more. "Each of our families moved into an apartment complex yesterday and apparently we have to go to the house warming party in two days." She furrowed her brows, glancing back at him in confusion.

"And why, pray tell, do we 'have' to?" Jack bit his lip, looking anywhere but directly at Camryn. "You told them yes already didn't you?" He smiled sheepishly at her, earning a glare in response. "Fine, but you're doing the chores for a month." She slapped the side of his face playfully yet a little harder than normal, turning off the bedside lamp. 

He pulls the quilt over their bodies, snuggling into her neck. "For you, princess, I'll even make breakfast in bed." Camryn grinned into the darkness, chuckling under her breath. Jack kissed right behind her ear, asking what was so funny. "Please, J. Don't pretend like you're doing that just for me," She could feel him smirk against her skin, confirming she was, in fact, correct. 

"Oh, princess. Like you wouldn't enjoy it just as much as I would," 

 Like you wouldn't enjoy it just as much as I would," 

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Camryns.The.Besson |

In today's news: I got a perm and we really don't wanna leave our villa.

Tagged: @JackAvery | Liked by @JoeyKingMe and 2,093,132 others

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