Daniel's An Angel, He Does No Wrong

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"Corbyn Matthew Besson, don't make me put this disco ball where it doesn't belong!"

"Ha! She told you,"

"You're next, Herron!"

"What? Why aren't you yelling at Daniel?"

"Because Daniel's an angel, he does no wrong."

Daniel grinned at Camryn as she pats his head, glaring at the other two boys who were messing around instead of helping. "Have this place decorated by the time I get back or no dessert for you." On her way out she gave Daniel a pointed look, one he responded to with a nod and a salute. She drove herself home and started to got ready in one of her hottest outfits if she did say so herself.

"Woah," Jonah nodded impressively at her when she descended the stairs, looking at the man dressed in a white button-up and black slacks. "Not so bad yourself, Frantzich," Camryn smirked, using his real last name. He mock glared at her, offering up his arm which she gladly took. "Watch it, or you'll be driving yourself in those boots."

The duo rode together, paparazzi getting quite a few photographs of them on their way into the venue. It was rather annoying, knowing it'd be spun into some romantic situation the next day when in reality, Jonah was with Tate and Camryn was... Complicated. "Tate's gonna find this hilarious," Jonah snorted at her comment, nodding in agreement.

"Oh yeah, just wait for the photoshop to begin."



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Camryns.The.Besson |

Glam but definitely giving a damn about seeing my family <3

Tagged: @JonahMarais and 33 others | Liked by @AshBesson and 2,382,156 others

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Being with her family was a godsend. Camryn and Corbyn had missed them terribly, the same with the other boys and their families. It was a plus that everyone got along considering they'd be living in the same apartment complex. The six were still staying at the Why Don't We house across town so at least they'd have some privacy. That being said, it felt like things were only going to get worse with her and Jack. That only got more and more evident every time someone mentioned Gabby.

Camryn had grown sick of it and had quickly made her way onto the dance floor, dancing freely with anyone. She didn't care what their gender was but she knew how jealous Jack got when she was around a guy. So, Camryn found herself in between a guy and a girl, dancing a little on the slutty side due to the fact all parents and young siblings had left. She wasn't one to drink very often so tonight she was sober, bitter, and a little depressing.

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