It's Like Having A Hangover For Nine Months

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"Sweetheart, you guys need to get out of bed."

The blonde ignored her friends' words, tears streaming down her cheeks. They hadn't stopped since the moment she got home. Four people knew; El, Josh, Camryn, And Bailee. Bailee only knew because the 'stomach bug' they both had was pregnancy.

"What're we gonna do, Cam?" Bailee faced Camryn in the girls' California-King sized bed. She had her own tear stains and neither had gotten out of their pajamas. "I mean, how am I going to tell him? Zach and I are only 19." Camryn snorted bitterly, picking at the nail polish on her fingers.

"Yeah, well, it doesn't feel much better at 22." A familiar feeling nudged at her insides, Camryn sprinting to the bathroom. She knelt in front of the toilet and emptied her stomach into the bowl with the twinge of satisfaction of remembering she'd pinned her hair up earlier. "El!" Bailee called out for the oldest girl who wobbled into the bathroom. 

"Come on, I'm gonna get you both a bath ran." Bailee shuffled her way into the room and leaned in the doorway. El had felt spectacularly better since she'd gotten to LA and it seemed that her motherly instincts had kicked in over the two young girls. A free bathtub on the second floor was soon filled up by Bailee, Camryn sitting on the counter in her bathroom.

"Hun, let's get you undressed." Camryn lifted her arms up and let El pull the nightgown off her, staring into space. She couldn't care less who saw her naked at this point while being helped into the warm water. El rested a well-manicured hand on Camryn's hair, stroking it. "It's gonna be okay, I promise. I know you may not want to talk about it but I need to ask... Are you gonna keep it?"

Her head had never turned so quickly as it did when she looked at El. Camryn was terrified to be a mother but the thought of not having it had never even been an option to her. "Yes, that's not even a question. Even if I have to do it all myself," It seemed as if the acknowledgment had put a little power in her as she started to wash, El making a comment about going to check on Bailee.

Camryn dried herself off not long after, sitting down at her vanity. She dragged a brush through her hair and plaited it, not putting any makeup on. Dropping her towel to the ground, she tossed a sports bra and underwear on as she looked for something to wear. Settling on a pair of Adidas soccer pants and a white t-shirt, she shoved her feet into some sneakers and slowly made her way downstairs. Bailee stood there in a pair of sweats and a tank, flip flops on her feet while she looked at Camryn. They didn't even have to talk, they already knew what they had to do. 

"Are you ready?" 

"No, you?"

"I don't think I'll ever be ready, so let's go do this." Bailee followed Camryn to her jeep, the blonde driving them down the road to the Why Don't We house. Simultaneously, the girls grabbed the hands of each other and held on for dear life. Putting the car in park, they sent a single nod to one another and walked inside. 

"Hey, guys. Where's Zach?" 

Daniel, mouth full of food, pointed upstairs while Jonah and Corbyn confirmed it with their words. Camryn had beads of sweat running down her hairline, stepping further into the house to receive confused looks. "Cam, you okay?" She wasn't able to answer her brothers' question because the trash can next to her was suddenly being occupied. "Jesus, it's like having a hangover for nine months." Camryn slapped a hand over her mouth once the words had escaped, finding three boys staring at her with open mouths. 

"The fuc-"

"Oh shi-"

"Did she just-"

Corbyn, Jonah, and Daniel all took turns with surprised exclamations. "You're pregnant?" Camryn was helped up from the ground by her brother, who somewhat crushed her in a hug. "Dude, careful!" Daniel smacked Corbyn who lessened his hold, Camryn getting roped in by Jonah and Daniel next. 

"Have you told him yet?" Daniel whispered in her ear, the blonde shaking her head. He smiled reassuringly at her, everyone turning as Zach and Bailee came rushing down the stairs. "Bailee and I are gonna be parents!" They both had tears in their eyes, the crowd before them cheering. "Camryn's pregnant too!"

"You're pregnant?" 

Nobody heard Jack and Gabbie walk into the house. Camryn's heart stopped at the look on his face, like he'd seen a ghost. It wasn't how she wanted to tell him about it, Corbyn being the one to blurt the news. She certainly hadn't expected Gabbie to be there. "Jack-"

"Ugh, of course you are."

"Alright, that's it," Camryn lunged for Gabbie, swinging her fist at the girls face. She crumpled like a piece of paper, Camryn shaking her hand off in pain. "Get her out before I kill her," Corbyn gently wrapped his arms around his sister to hold her back while Daniel and Jonah stood in front of her, glaring down at Gabbie. Jack helped Gabbie up, guiding her out the door. 

She hated to admit it hurt when he left with her, a tear trickling down her cheek. "Jonah, can you take me home so I can lay down, that took a lot out of me." Corbyn offered to take her but she said Zach needed him more at the moment, promising to be back later. Jonah helped her out the door and into her jeep, confusing Camryn when he didn't get in the driver's seat but disappeared for a moment. Two seconds later Jack slid into the car and started it, pulling out of the drive before she could comment. 

"Is it mine?"


"Is it mine?!"

"Of course it's yours, Jack. Who else would I love as I love you?"

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