Mrs. Avery

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Nobody I'd rather have breakfast with for our last day in paradise.

Tagged: @JackAvery | Liked by @WhyDontWeMusic and 1,094,289 others

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It was their last night on honeymoon and neither wanted to go. Camryn and Jack wandered through the dark streets of Italy, cemented to each other's sides. Soft music played from a tiny brick house where an old lady with a foul mouth lived. Mrs. Costa was the owner of the house Camryn and Jack had been staying in next door. In all honesty, the short little widow was one of the best people they'd ever met. Plus, she made one hell of a chicken fettuccine.

"I wish we could stay here forever, bring Lavender." She hummed in agreeance, subconsciously swaying to the beat. Jack smiled at every movement she made, stopping in the middle of the way. Camryn cocked her head at Jack, allowing him to pull her closer. "Can I have this dance, Mrs. Avery?" A joyful smile made its way onto her lips, resulting in a nod. 

Locking their hands together, one of hers found his shoulder and he found her hip. Rocking back and forth, Jack slid leaned down to place his lips over hers. Bliss took over, their tongues tangling deeply. Strawberry wine lingered in their mouths, the scent of garlic wafting in the air from every little house. 

Jack pulled away, cupping her face in his hands. His thumb brushed along her bottom lip, holding it down only to release it. Camryn slipped one hand under the front of his shirt, ghosting over his abdomen. A secret conversation passed through their eyes, Jack covering her lips once again. This kiss held roughness, more passion, than the one before. His hands wandered downward to grasp her backside, lifting her up with one swift movement.

Being carried into their rental place, Camryn was pinned against the back of the front door. He trailed his tongue down her neck, nipping at the soft skin. Sighing in content, her fingers wound themselves in his hair. "Off," Camryn tugged at Jack's shirt, being careful not to drop her while doing as requested. "Ouch, that's a doorknob." Giggling, Jack and Camryn moved over to the bedroom.

Jack lowered himself onto the edge of their bed, Camryn still straddling his waist. His hands tenderly slid up the back of her white top, pulling it over her head. His eyes transfixed on her bare chest, lightly tracing her breasts with his finger. Camryn shuddered, gasping when he finally used his tongue. "So beautiful," His words vibrated through her body, aching with desire at each touch. "All mine,"

Camryn pushed him down against the bed, pinning both hands above his head. Her lips made a pathway down his abs, kissing along his v-line. "Camryn," Jack moaned when she palmed him through his joggers, hooking her fingers in the hemline to drag them down. His pants joined the pile of discarded clothing for over the week, a surprisingly large heap. "No fair, you're still wearing pants." She giggled, allowing him the time to undress her. 

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