Eyes On The Fro-Yo, Bro

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"You look vaguely like Marilyn Monroe. Just without the-"

The life of a 33 yr old woman who apparently married a 12 yr old boy.

Tagged: @JackAvery & @GabbieGonzalez | Liked by @BaileeHerron and 2,013,462 others

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GabbieGonzalez |

Sometime's you just need a double date and coffee

Tagged: @WizardsOfAveryPlace & @JackAvery | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 2,023,374 others

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"So, do you know if they have any frozen yogurt here?" 

Camryn wondered aloud, tapping her bottom lip with one finger. Her three companions watched in amusement, giggling when she finally ordered. "Babe, if I got a large one would you split- wait, of course you would!" Jack snorted when she answered her own question, pressing a kiss to her temple. Walking over to the cash register, he paid for their group. 

"I'll go get us a table," Gabbie led her husband to a table in the corner, their food in hand. Jack waited for his wife, shooting the guy behind the counter a glare when he eyed Camryn's chest. "Eyes on the fro-yo, bro." Turning so her head was in Jack's neck, Camryn hid her fit of laughter. She finally turned back after calming down, taking their yogurt. 

"Thanks, bro." She retorted instantly, sucking in a deep breath. Jack sputtered with laughter, basically pushing her to the table. "Oh my gosh, I think we embarrassed him." Camryn sat down across from Gabbie, Jack sliding in beside her. His arm slipped around her shoulders, curling into one another on instinct. "Open," Gabbie and Oliver watched Camryn feed Jack, taking bites for herself in between.

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