Epilogue: Ten Years Later

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* 10 Years Later *


"I can't wait for this," 

"Me either," Lavender smoothed down her white romper, nervously adjusting her long brown curls. Elijah slipped his arms around her from behind, looking clean in a white button-up and dress slacks. His hands rest on her stomach where a mid-sized bump had formed, their gender-reveal just an hour away. "You look beautiful, sweetheart."

That's right, at the age of twenty-three Lavender Avery and Elijah Herron were six-months pregnant. The same age Camryn and Jack were when they had Lavender. Just like their parents, Lavender and Elijah weren't married, but they were deeply in love. Nobody had been upset over the news, just excited.

Until they realized they were grandparents.

Zach had a small mid-life crisis and Jack bought a Lambo. Bailee had basically gone into shock for a week straight. Camryn, on the other hand, had jumped straight into helping Lavender and Elijah get what she needed. Lavender and Elijah were terrified but insanely happy to be parents, talking about marriage. 

"Lavvy," Camryn popped into the room in a white sundress and a smile. "Everything's ready, just take your time." One thing Lavender had always loved about her mother was how understanding she is. "You too, Eli." Elijah thanked her, rubbing Lavender's lower back where he knew it hurt. Camryn smiled at the action, slipping back out of the room and into Jack's arms. "It's like looking at us twenty years ago,"

"That's scary,"

"No shit, Sherlock."


"I hope it's a girl!"

JC grinned at William, kissing him on the cheek. They'd been together for three years, since the age of sixteen. "Me too," Neither really had to 'come out' to their family, they just knew. Camryn had been their confidant since she was bisexual, asking how to go about certain things. All their family cared about was that they were happy. "Do, uh, do you want kids?"

William's eyebrows flicked up in surprise, cupping his boyfriend's cheek. "Yes, especially if they're with you." They shared a smile, looking up when Lavender and Elijah entered the room. JC's sister was glowing from head to toe, a heart-stopping smile on her face that she inherited from their mother. "They're going to be great parents,"

"Yeah, yeah they are."


"How many kids do you think they'll have?"

Lani fiddled with her pink painted nails, fluffing her big-blonde hair. Naia sat to her right with black and blue ombre hair and an oversized white shirt, matching ripped jeans under them. The twins, now seventeen, were as different as you could get. One was getting her cosmetology license and drove a Mercedes. The other had a basketball scholarship and always had a surfboard strapped to the top of her Jeep wrangler.

"I don't know, maybe three?" Naia offered, checking wave statistics on her phone. Lani's buzzed with a text from her boyfriend, Alex. Her twin was in between relationships, although she did have a crush on Halsey. Yes, Naia was bisexual. Lani, on the other hand, was boy-crazy. "I don't even know if I want kids," She admitted, bouncing her knee up and down.

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