Personal Growth

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Camryns.The.Besson |

Personal growth - Something I intend to do for the sake of my daughter.

Tagged: @GabbieGonzalez | Liked by @BaileeMads and 1,249,439 others 

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Gabbie sat on one side of a booth, nervously tapping her fingernails on the table. "I'll, uh, just take water. Thanks," The waiter walked away to get her drink, making her realize she was the only one drinking water at the small coffee shop. She jumped up from her seat when the girl approached, wringing her hands. "Hi, Camryn."

Camryn smoothed the cream and red dress she was wearing over her bump, sliding into the booth. "I'm not going to hurt you, Gabbie. Please, sit down." Gabbie sat back down, listening as the other girl ordered a mango lemonade. "So, you're probably wondering why I asked you to come here."

The younger girl chuckled with nervousness, fiddling with her rings. "Yeah. But first I want to say how sorry I am, for everything." Gabbie gulped down some of her ice water. Camryn hesitantly reached across the table and stilled Gabbie's hands.

"Gabbie, I actually wanted to apologize to you. I knew what Jackson was like, everything he was capable of. But I didn't warn you and I should have." Gabbie teared up, taking a sharp breath in. Camryn had felt incredibly guilty for some time now. "I also wanted to thank you for helping me that night. You didn't have to call Jack but you did, and for that, I'll be forever grateful. Especially because you saved my baby's life,"

Camryn and Gabbie would never be bestie's, but the two were connected now. By trauma, a horrible person, and a boy. It was a bond that you couldn't break even if you wanted to. So they agreed to be civil and go from there.


BaileeMads |

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BaileeMads |

Tagged:@Camryns.The.Besson & @JoeyKingMe | Liked by @AshBesson and 834,359 others

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