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Her mood got worse and worse as the flight descended, hardly talking at all. A thought hit her right before the plane landed, causing her to take action. She shook Jack awake, the boy scrunching his brows in confusion. "Hey, did we land-" His words were cut short by a pair of lips on his, eyes widening in surprise before he melted in the kiss.

Camryn was pulled onto his lap, fingers dipping under the waistband of her pants to cup her backside. Their tongues clashed violently, Jack taken aback by her urgency. She kissed him with a fire that finally clued him in on the fact something wasn't quite right. His eyebrows drew together as he pulled out of the kiss, her eyes staying closed for a few seconds. "Princess-"

He was interrupted once again, this time by the plane landing. Camryn climbed off him, opening her eyes and glancing out the window. She took a second to wipe her eyes, plastering a fake smile on her lips as she grabbed her backpack. "Let's go, I think Jonah's picking us up." That flipped Jacks attention, the boy hurrying her out of the plane, through baggage claim, and to the airport doors.

"I swear if you don't stop pulling me I'm gonna shove a cactus-"

"Cam!" Her death threat was interrupted by a shout, the girl grinning as she ran to her friend. "Jo!" Camryn launched herself at Jonah, the boy catching her effortlessly with a spin. "I missed you!" He sat her on the ground, planting a platonic kiss on her forehead and grabbing her discarded bags. "Jack, bro, get your ass over here!" Jack had a stormy look on his face when he glanced at Camryn, pulling Jonah into a bro hug.

The trio loaded into their car, Jack in the back while Camryn rode upfront with Jonah. "Here," An iced coffee was placed in front of her, bringing a smile to her exhausted face. Camryn cheered happily, perking up instantly as she placed the straw in her lips. "Thanks, Jo." Jack was silent, scrolling through his phone when she glanced back. Her face fell yet again, Jonah's eyebrows scrunching together in pity. He reached over to her, squeezing her knee once. Camryn smiled weakly, patting Jonah's hand as she went back to looking out the window. Jonah put both hands back on the wheel, Jack, unknown to everyone else, had seen the whole thing.

Needless to say, he wasn't happy.


JonahMarais |

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JonahMarais |

Picked up two of my favs at the airport.

Don't worry, I didn't forget Cam's iced coffee. 😉

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson @JackAvery | Liked by @JordanBesson and 1,239,928 others

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Camryns.The.Besson |

Such a model. 💁🏻‍♂️

Thanks for picking us up. Oh, and for getting me my coffee. ;)

Tagged: @JonahMarais @JackAvery | Liked by @AshBesson and 1,234,872 others

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Jack flew out of the car without a single word, slamming the door and walking inside the Why Don't We house. "Wanna tell me what's going on?" Jonah sat in the car with Camryn, not leaving until she did. She sighed, glancing over to him in the driver's seat. "Same as last time. He's gonna walk in and pretend that all we've ever been is friends. He's going to end up hurting me. Again,"

Camryn frankly didn't care about who was in the house, like Corbyn, she just didn't want to spill any more than she already has. Jonah knew that as soon as she shut the car door she was sealing herself in the walls she so carefully constructed. So he allowed her to grab her suitcase and start her path up to the house. She paused at the front door, waiting until Jonah stood behind her. "Ready?"



Jonah opened the front door and walked in, Camryn following him like a lost puppy. Sitting her suitcase by the door, she looked around the living room at who was gathered. Jack was already playing Fortnite, causing Camryn to shake her head angrily and for Jonah to glare at him. Daniel rushed over to Camryn, grabbing her in a bear hug. A laugh tumbled from her lips, eyes locking on Zach and Bailee behind him. "I missed you too, Dani boy."

Daniel released Camryn and allowed her to rush to her other friends. Bailee squealed and ran at her, Zach joining in on the hug. Another pair of arms soon contributed, Joey whispering a small Hi to her. "I didn't know you guys would be here!" Through the reunion of everyone there, nobody acknowledged the one person missing. That was until he rushed through the front door like a bat out of hell.

Camryn stood up from her spot in between Daniel and Jack, who hadn't spoken to her since they'd been there. Corbyn's eyes landed directly on her, the girl slightly worried about her choice in the sweatshirt. Everyone held their breath as Corbyn made his way across the room to stand in front of Camryn. His gaze raked over the sweatshirt, Jonah and Daniel inching to the edge of their seats in case. But instead, he did something nobody expected him to do.

He hugged her.

"I'm so sorry, Cam. I never should've pushed you away and made you feel bad for being yourself. You're my best friend, I love you and accept you no matter what." Camryn wept. She wept in joy, she wept in sorrow. She wept for the fact she could be with her best friend once again. She wept for the fact the love of her life had gone back to acting like she didn't exist.

But most importantly, she wept because, in every way that mattered, nothing had changed.

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