All Yours

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A gasp left Camryn's lips as she was roughly dropped on the counter, Jack's hands already up the sides of her skirt. Grasping the hem of the jean material, he yanked it off her body and to the side. Jack kissed along her collarbone, Camryn's head falling back against the mirror. A speaker in the roof played Wrong at a low decibel, matching the rhythm of their bodies.

"Jack," He peeled the bodysuit from her torso until she was bare of everything except her boots. Camryn grabbed both sides of his jacket and ripped it apart, unzipping his pants after she tossed the first item to join her skirt. "For god's sake, kiss me already." She grabbed his necklace and yanked him to her, their tongues tangling in a battle of lust.

Jack bit at her bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth in a way that drove her crazy. She arched her back so their bodies were pressed as closely as possible, desperate for any type of friction. His groans felt like music to her ears and she wanted to hear more. One finger slid down her slit, a shuddering breath escaping her lips as he teased.

"Everyone's gonna know who you belong to, baby girl." His mouth left hers all too soon, a protest turning into a yelp when his breath tickled the inside of her thighs. Trailing kisses up to her navel, Jack licked a stripe down to her heat. Camryn grabbed his curls as he went down on her, his tongue sliding in and out to leave her a moaning mess. "Say my name," His words vibrated through her bones, tracing shapes with his magical tongue. "Scream it."

"Daddy!" She shamelessly screamed out, Jack pulling away before she could come. "Wha-" One hand came up to grip her throat as he shoved his tongue in her mouth. Camryn whimpered, tasting herself in the kiss. Two fingers rammed into her without warning, causing her to cry out. "Shit," She deepened the kiss by placing a hand on the back of his head, tugging it back by his curls to suck on his neck.

"Who's is this, hmm?" He rubbed himself against her leg, trying not to let his voice crack. Her eyes fluttered closed with pleasure, opening her mouth to argue when he stopped fingering her. "Answer me or you don't get to come," Jack's eyes held a wickedly dark glint as they stared down at her. Camryn smirked, sucking once on the thumb he had by her mouth.

"It's yours, all yours." Jack matched her look of lust. Yanking down his boxers, she bit her lip over the sight of his naked body. Camryn internally praised herself for getting on birth control. Connecting their lips once again, his hand grasped one breast roughly while pulling away. Jack shot her a cunning smirk, Camryn not noticing him line up with her entrance.

"Damn right you are," A scream tore from her throat as he ruthlessly slammed inside of her. Jack roughly grabbed her hips, sure to leave bruises the next morning. Camryn dug her nails into the soft flesh of his back as her body shook with pleasure. "She could never make you scream like this, could she?" He nibbled on her neck, roughly squeezing her breast. 

"Nobody fucks me like you do," Unexpectedly, Jack flipped Camryn so she was facing the mirror. She stood straight with one of his hands rubbing her clit and one cupping her boob. "Oh, fuck!" Locking eyes in the mirror, they experienced an all-new pleasure like never before. His smirk slipped into a lip bite while watching her orgasm.

"Come for me, baby girl." He grunted, cock twitching inside of her. Camryn drug her nails down the arm holding her in place as she came undone. Jack followed soon after, their chests rising and falling at a rapid pace. Pulling out of her, he took two fingers and scooped up some of his come before shoving them in her mouth. She sucked like it was her job, making a pop sound when she finished. "All mine,"

"Fuck right I am."

They cleaned off quickly, Camryn almost falling when she stood. Jack caught her with a grin, picking up her body to place her on the counter. "Easy there, princess. I got it," Once he was dressed again he grabbed her discarded clothing. Carefully sliding her bodysuit and skirt back on, he slipped a strong arm around her waist. "You're gonna need to keep this outfit," Jack's whisper sent shivers down her body, wanting him all over again. "We should go before I find a new way to fuck you in this bathroom." He took one more lazy gaze up and down her body, their eyes already hooded.

Nodding and swallowing thickly, they moved from the bathroom to see an entire sea of girls looking over at them. "Sorry, it was important. You'd understand," Camryn flashed them a forced smile as Jack helped her walk. The crowd chuckled, walking past them into the abandoned room. "Let's go get a drink,"

They moved through the club and up to the bar glued to each other's sides. Anna was there when they arrived, Jack sliding his hand to rest on Camryn's ass. "One lemon drop martini and a rum and coke." The redhead clenched her jaw when she saw the hickies and post-sex hair. Camryn turned her head to rest in Jack's shoulder, hiding a smirk. "Keep the change," He sarcastically dropped a twenty, handing Camryn her martini. 

"You're really hot when you get jealous," Camryn licked her lips, keeping eye contact with Jack while she sipped her drink. He flashed her a smirk, downing some of his. All five boys suddenly appeared before them, knowing grins on their faces. Well, a slightly disgusted one sat on Corbyn's. "Yes?"

"If you're gonna fuck then please, please do not invite your brother to the same place." 


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I don't belong in this club.

But I do belong to you.

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson | Liked by @AvaStanford and 1,024,530 others 

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