Charlotte Melanie Besson

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* 7 Months Later *

* 7 Months Later *

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CorbynBesson |

Today I had the privilege of watching my wife give birth to our little girl, Charlotte Melanie Besson.

Tagged: @BeautyChickee | Liked by @WizardsOfAveryPlace and 2,943,583 others

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BeautyChickee |

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BeautyChickee |

Charlotte Melanie Besson, you're already stealing our hearts.

Tagged: @CorbynBesson | Liked by @JackAvery and 1,043,583 others

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"She's so precious," Camryn bounced her niece, Jack admiring her from right behind his wife. "Just think, in three months we get to have another one." That's right, she was six months pregnant with a baby boy. Zach and Bailee were about to have a baby girl, Piper June Herron. El and Josh had given birth to Eve a few months ago. It seemed as though whatever gender everyone else was having, Camryn and Jack had the opposite.

"It still feels like we had Lav yesterday," Lavender Mae was just over two years old, walking, and even talking. Jack lifted Charlotte into his arms at the request of Camryn, who had a baby resting on her bladder. "Did you know that you have a cousin? Mhm, soon you'll have two of them." Corbyn and Christina were passed out from exhaustion on the living room couch of their house. Every day that praised themselves for moving so close to Camryn and Jack.

"Here you go," Just as Camryn handed him a bottle of milk Charlotte started to cry. She smirked at the awestruck look on his face, simply placing it in her niece's mouth. "I'm gonna go cook some breakfast before we wake 'em up." Pecking Jack on the corner of his mouth, she waddled into their kitchen and got out any needed ingredients.

She hummed In My Bed under her breath while flipping bacon, a song she'd released a month after they got back from their honeymoon. Camryn was still working on completing the album but planned to have it finished by the time the baby arrived. Light footsteps were heard behind her, a yawning Corbyn making his way into the room. "G' morning," He mumbled, throwing himself into a kitchen chair.

"Drink this," Camryn slid a mug across the table to receive a disgruntled look for her brother. Rolling her eyes, she pointed with her spatula. "Drink. It." Muttering obscenities under his breath, he drank the overly-sugared coffee with a pleasantly surprised look in his eyes. "That's what I thought. I've had a kid for two years, bean. I know how to fake some energy," Corbyn chuckled tiredly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Thanks, sis." Corbyn smiled when Camryn dropped a plate of bacon, eggs, toast, and hashbrowns in front of him. "Is there any way that I can hire you permanently?" He spoke over a mouthful of food, his sister giving him a scolding look. A sharp pain shot through her abdomen, a gasp leaving her lips. "Are you alright there, Chef Boyardee?" She laughed lightly, pecking his forehead on her way to get Christina. Gently placing a hand on Christina's shoulder, she shook her as carefully as possible until they locked eyes.

"Hey, I made you guys some breakfast. And coffee," Christina dragged herself out of bed, leaning on her sister-in-law for support. Camryn sat her down across from Corbyn, the newly married couple sending each other a smile. "Alright, here's yours." The dark-haired girl dug in as soon as the plate was placed before her. She plopped a kiss on Christina's hairline, moving over to Jack. "I'm gonna walk home and take a quick shower, I'll be back soon."

Jack frowned, blocking her path. "By yourself?" She nodded, slipping her shoes on and grabbing ahold of her purse. "I don't think that's a good idea, you're six months pregnant." Camryn flicked her eyebrows in an upward motion as if to say 'so'. "Camryn, it's a half-mile back home. Why don't you just wait until we can all go?" Jack shifted his hold on Charlotte, giving Camryn on look.

She chuckled, kissing him on the nose. "How about I call and keep you on the phone until I get home?" He pursed his lips, thinking for several moments before finally, he gave in. "Love you," Camryn exited the house as soon as their phones were connected, starting down the sidewalk with one hand on her stomach. She thought it was simply pain from the baby growing inside of her, the constant stabbing in her right side. "So, do I need to think of a topic or are- ah!"

"Princess?" Jack's smile slowly disappeared, standing when he received no response. "Camryn?" He was growing more panicked with each passing second, basically forcing Charlotte back into the confused arms of Christina. "Camryn! Answer the phone!" By this point, both Corbyn and Christina knew something was wrong. Corbyn snatched his car keys, following Jack into the driveway in nothing but sweatpants. "I swear, Camryn Melanie Avery."

Corbyn reversed from his drive like it was his job, speeding in the direction of Camryn. Their hearts sank when an ambulance passed them, tears filling Jack's eyes. "Please be okay, please be okay..." Whipping their car over to the side of the road, both boys stumbled out to see what was going on. A mop of blonde hair was peeking out of a stretcher, Jack moving faster than ever. "Camryn! Let go of me, that's my wife and child!"

A paramedic had stopped Jack, almost getting a fist to the nose. "Sir, we have to examine her. But if you meet us at the hospital we can update you there," Both boys were conflicted, wanting to run to her side. Corbyn took a deep breath, grasping Jack's upper arm with a meaningful look. They scrambled back to Corbyn's car, Jack growling at his speed.

"Drive faster,"


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