He Went To Jared

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"Wow, it's so beautiful out tonight." 

"It's still not as beautiful as you, though." Camryn's hand was intertwined with Jack's, the stars pouring down on their skin. She had no idea whether he'd been leading her somewhere or just taking her for a moonlight stroll. Either way, she knew she'd be completely fine with it. Taking in his comment, she giggled.

"That was ridiculously cheesy, but I loved it." He lifted her by her hips onto the marble step before him. Her hands went out to steady herself on his shoulders, lost in his eyes. "What are you thinking about?" Camryn brushed a curl from his forehead, genuinely curious as to the way he was acting. He'd been nervously fidgeting ever since they'd left the restaurant a half-hour ago. 

"Close your eyes," Jack's hands shook as she did what she was asked. He looked behind her to see their entire group of friends quietly approach. Corbyn, Zach, Daniel, and Jonah all came to form a half-circle beside Jack. All the air had momentarily escaped his lungs, thinking about what he was about to do. Corbyn reached forward and squeezed Jack's shoulder, giving him the reassurance he needed. "You can open them now,"

Camryn's green eyes flew open, taking in each boy with a confused look. "What's going on?" Jack grabbed ahold of her hands, making sure to maintain eye-contact. Nobody answered her, instead the boys opened their mouths to sing one of her favorite songs.

"When the rain is blowing in your face," Her heart was pounding in her ears, louder and louder with each lyric. A part of her, deep down, thought she knew what was going to happen. "And the whole world is on your case," Jack was terrified, to put it nicely. Camryn was the only one who knew him well enough to notice the small tremor in his fingertips. "I could offer you a warm embrace," 

"To make you feel my love," Nobody else existed at that moment. Just Camryn and Jack in their bubble. Small tears gathered in her eyes, listening to his voice and his voice only. His words never faltered when reaching up to wipe away her tears. "To make you feel my love," The air stilled, breath was held, when he sang the last line. Corbyn, Zach, Daniel, and Jonah backed away from Jack. 

Air found its way back into her lungs when Jack kneeled on one knee before her. Her body trembled slightly, biting one lip between her teeth. "Don't mess this up," Jack muttered to himself, reaching into his jacket to pull out a small black box. Camryn slapped a hand over her mouth, tears flowing down her cheeks. 

"From the moment we met, I knew you were it for me. Your smile, your personality, even the way you smell." Camryn choked on a laugh, giving Jack the boost he needed. "I love how great you are with Lavender. Princess, you taught me how to love someone." His smile stretched from ear to ear, hers doing the same. "And for that, I don't think I can ever repay you." 

Jack cracked the velvet box to reveal the most beautiful ring Camryn had ever seen. A rose gold band covered in diamonds, a purple teardrop gemstone resting in the center. "Camryn Melanie Besson, I love you more than I can put into words. Will you be my forever and always by marrying me?" 

"Hell yes!" Laughter, applause, and cheers broke out at Camryn's reply. Jack switched out the promise ring for her wedding ring, tossing the box at Corbyn. He stood in a hurry, placing both hands on Camryn's face. Camryn jumped into him, slamming her lips onto Jack's. He lifted her into the air, grinning so widely his cheeks burned. "A thousand times yes," 

"I love you, soon to be Mrs. Avery."

"I love you too, soon to be Hubby."

Lavender ~ Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now