Tell Me Where It Hurts

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Camryn was exhausted. She took care of Lavender, JC, herself, and sometimes Charlotte, Piper, or Elijah. Between cooking, cleaning, teaching, and still trying to produce music she was slowly shutting down. Her emotions were on hyperdrive, mostly sticking to her rapidly growing depression.

"Jack, can you take out the trash? Jack? JACK!" Camryn had grown increasingly agitated with her husband over the past few months. He was constantly at work, something she knew was important, yet the rest of the boys always made time for their family. When he was home he didn't help, or spend time with them, but slept. 

"I'm coming!" Jack shouted from across the room, grabbing both bags of trash from Camryn cleaning up JC's first birthday party. She rolled her eyes, resting her face in her hands. Christina approached her sister, a sad smile on her face. Camryn leaned into her side, Jack simply walking past them and downstairs.

The brunette glowered at his retreating figure, pulling Camryn into her arms. She rubbed circles into the blonde's back, holding her as she sobbed. "What can I do?" Christina questioned, guiding Camryn to the kitchen table. "You can't do this alone," So Camryn let it all out, every sordid detail. 

"You're staying with us for the weekend."

A few hours later Camryn was curled up under the sheets of Christina and Corbyn's guest bedroom. Christina had forced Camryn into her own Jeep while she packed her a bag and talked with Jack. "Camryn's staying with me tonight, you're taking care of the kids. Don't call," She'd ignored every question he pestered her with, getting into the car and driving away. 

She fell asleep as soon as her head leaned back against the car seat, a pitiful look in Christina's eyes. Quietly escaping the front seat, Christina jogged inside and explained the whole situation to Corbyn. He was instantly pissed, wanting to drive down the road and kick Jack's ass. But instead, he gently lifted his sister into his arms and carried her inside. 

"Stay here with her," Corbyn was out the door before Christina could say otherwise. She just hoped he wouldn't kill Jack, lawsuits were very expensive now. He slammed the car door behind him, bursting through the front door but careful not to make too much noise. Lavender and JC were sleeping upstairs. "Get down here right now!" Jack appeared seconds later, blinking tiredly. "Do you wanna tell me why my pregnant sister is-"

"Wait, she's pregnant again?"



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Tell me where it hurts

Lavender ~ Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now