Dancing On My Bladder

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 "Okay, you need to stop dancing on my bladder." Camryn had used the restroom twelve times in two hours because of the fully developed fetus in her uterus. She shuffled downstairs barefoot, a pair of shorts and a bra being her only outfit for the day. Her whole body ached when she moved but it never seemed to stop her.

"What're you doing up? You can't keep walking up and down the stairs when you're almost nine months pregnant!" Jack rushed over to her, helping Camryn over to the kitchen table. She rolled her eyes, whacking him lightly on the chest. He mock glared at her, not backing down. "Hey, that's no way to treat a man who made you a mango smoothie."

Squinting suspiciously, Camryn took a sip of the smoothie Jack made her. He'd slowly gotten better at cooking, but he was rather good at making mango smoothies. Which shouldn't be surprising considering he made them for her constantly. "You're lucky I love you," He smirked, quickly kissing her baby bump.

"What do you want for breakfast, princess?" Jack spun around to the cupboard, grabbing the pancake mix before she could even respond. Resting her chin on the palm of her hand, she watched him move around the room. Singing under his breath the whole time, she found herself joining him occasionally. "Here you are, my love. I'm gonna go take a shower,"

Blowing her a kiss, Jack made his way upstairs to do as he said. She took a bite of the pancakes, moaning under her breath at the taste. A few minutes later she'd cleaned her plate of all food, placed it in the dishwasher, and used the bathroom again. 

"My bladder's not a trampoline!"



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Camryns.The.Besson |

"Can I paint them?"

"What a surprisingly fascinating process."

"Dang girl, you lookin' fine."

- What happens when I let Jack do my nails

Tagged: @JackAvery | Liked by @ZachHerron and 1,935,584 others

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