The Safest Place We Could Be

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One Week Later

"What'd you do in this room?" 

Corbyn and Zach went to open a closed door on the second floor, all six of them entering the empty room. "Nothing yet," She smiled at them, making eye contact with Jack over their shoulders. The entire house was something they'd designed a year ago, and it looked just like their ideas.

There were four bedrooms and four bathrooms, apart from the master set, each decorated in different beachy vibes. Most bedrooms had two beds in it since Camryn's friend group was so large. Even a part of the basement had bunk beds. Her favorite feature was the two-person shower in the master bath, black tile lining the walls. That, and, she could walk right out the back door and surf anytime she wanted. 

Plus, it was just down the road from Corbyn.

"I'm proud of you, Cam. Really," Camryn leaned into her brothers' hug, the taller man planting a kiss on the crown of her head. "We all are, Mom." Zach hugged her from behind, drawing a laugh from everyone. "Now, let's go swimming!" Corbyn, Zach, Jonah, and Daniel all took off outside, Camryn giggling at the sight.

"It looks just like we imagined." Jack's breath tickled the back of Camryn's neck, blonde hair in a bun. "The kitchen, where we'd cook pancakes in our pajamas." His body was pressed up against her back, his finger pointing down the hall to where the kitchen was. "Living room, where we could cuddle on the sofa and watch movies on dreary days." He guided her to each room before finally leading her upstairs to the master suite floor. 

"And the bedroom, where we would unload after every day into each other's arms, the safest place we could be."

She let her eyes flutter closed, listening to his words mix with the crashing ocean waves. The scent of warm saltwater tickled their noses while Camryn allowed Jack to hold her. It was the feeling they wanted to have every day of their life, safety, and comfort. Finally, after allowing herself a few moments of weakness, Camryn opened her mouth. 

"J, you don't love me. You love the idea of having a happy life, security. But you don't love me." So Camryn pushed out of his embrace and closed her bedroom door, Jack standing still in shock. She didn't know just how wrong she was. 



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Camryns.The.Besson |

Guess who bought her first house in LA?

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The six of them were sitting on the deck in different spots, a piano in the corner where it was protected from the weather. Zach glanced over at the piano and frowned in confusion, turning to Camryn who was reemerging the house. "Why do you have a piano if you can't play?"

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