In Sickness And In Health

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JackAvery |

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JackAvery |

In sickness and in health

Tagged: @WizardsOfAveryPlace | Liked by @BeautyChickee and 2,095,385 others

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CorbynBesson |

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CorbynBesson |

I'm not leaving, sis. Cradle to grave...

Tagged: @WizardsOfAveryPlace | Liked by @ZachHerron and 2,012,483 others

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"Her appendix burst," Jack had a tight grip on her hand, Corbyn on the other. A nurse had been kind enough to give him a scrub top to wear. "If she hadn't been walking by Dr. Grey's house then there's a good chance we would've lost her and the baby." Nurse Caroline, a smart and kind blonde, explained to the boys. She'd been every few minutes since Camryn had gotten out of surgery an hour ago. "That walk probably saved their lives," Caroline backed out of the room, letting them have their alone time.


Corbyn stood shakily, reaching for his phone that he'd somehow managed to grab. "I'm gonna go call our parents, tell them what's going on." He slipped out into the hallway and inside of a bathroom, sliding down the wall as soon as he was out of sight. Saltwater ran down his cheeks, burying his face in his hands. A knock on the door brought him out of his daze, clearing his throat. "Uh, just a second!"

"Babe, it's me. Open up," Gasping in relief, Corbyn reached up and unlocked the door. Christina and Charlotte basically fell into the room, crouching before her husband. "Where's Cam? She's okay, right?" She spoke in a hushed but panicked whisper, Charlotte sleeping on her chest. Corbyn hooked an arm around her neck and pulled her in, crying into her shoulder. "Tell me she's okay!" Christina thought of Camryn as her biological sister, closer than anyone would've thought.

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