Considering I Almost Threw Up On A Little Boy

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Camryn glanced behind her to see Jack standing in the wardrobe trailer, arms crossed and brows furrowed. "No, what?" She sat down on the counter and crossed her legs. Jack scanned her body, walking in her direction.

"There's no way you're wearing that on stage." He growled in jealousy at the thought of any other man seeing her in this outfit. All red, a small bralette that barely covered her chest, matching high-waisted bathing suit type bottoms, and a thigh-length sequined sports coat that only had one button done up. A pair of matching chunky heels were tied to her feet. "Not when I can't touch you."

"Babe, the world knows I'm yours now, and I'm not gonna let them think anything different. Besides, I have to wear all the sluttier stuff before my bump starts to show." Camryn caressed his cheek, Jack's calloused but warm hands resting on her bare waist. He chuckled lightly at her completely honest joke, kissing her forehead. 

"When you get off stage-"

"Hey! Nobody needs to hear that!" Corbyn walked into the room, hands over his ears. It'd been a week since the couple had made their relationship known to everyone and tonight's show was in Illinois. Everyone in the group had been really chill about it, that being said, they also got a lot of negative comments.

"Alright you two, I have some Little Mix to sing. See you guys after," She kissed both of their cheeks, waiting until she heard the beginning of Salute to exit onto the stage. The girls of Little Mix were good friends of hers and since she was working on releasing another album they let her do a lot of their songs at her concerts. Camryn wasn't releasing her new album until two months from now. 

She still moved quickly on stage despite the growing baby in her, unbuttoning her jacket and swerving her hips. Eleven weeks. Camryn and Jack weren't sure about when to announce she was pregnant but they knew that waiting for at least a few months was a good idea. All she knew was that she might throw up if her set wasn't over soon.  

Bailee must've recognized the look on Camryn's face because as soon as the girl ran off stage a trashcan was pushed in front of her. "Jeez, my morning sickness wasn't this bad." Camryn glared at her friend, wondering why she chose that moment. "Sorry, I just meant you should talk to the doctor about it." 

"Considering I almost threw up on a little boy two seconds ago, that's probably I good idea."


Legs swinging back and forth on the exam table, Camryn internally thanked the fact she had a day in between shows. Corbyn and Jack had come with her to an after-hours clinic, the boys bickering over an unknown subject as she waited for the nurse to come back in with a prescription. She almost jumped up in relief when the woman came back in, glancing at the boys before giving Camryn a look that could only be described as good luck

"Would you two shut it?" Camryn scowled at them while pulling out of the CVS drive through an hour later. She'd put them both in the back, thinking she might get relief from her headache by doing so. Boy, was she wrong about that. "I'm seriously about to climb back there and beat you to death with my shoe." 

Jack and Corbyn glanced at each other in fear, going deadly quiet. To fill the silence, Camryn plugged in her phone and put her playlist on shuffle. It was some Spotify playlist called study zone that she thoroughly enjoyed for some reason. She glanced in the rearview mirror to see both boys texting furiously, rolling her eyes and pulling over into an abandoned parking lot. 

"What- oh, shit." 

Camryn turned around in her seat, the car in park, and snatched both of their phones. Ignoring their protests, she scrolled through the messages until she'd read enough. She sat both phones in her lap and pinched the bridge of her nose. 

"Are you two seriously arguing about what to name our child?" Both boys hung their heads in shame, Camryn taking a deep breath to keep herself from killing them with her hormones. "I'm keeping these for the day. As for names, I appreciate the input, baby bro. But Jack and I will pick when it's time. So please, stop arguing because you're ruining my music."

The rest of the drive was considerably quieter.


Camryn was exhausted. It seemed anything and everything took all of her energy these days. There was many downsides to being pregnant, but most of the time Camryn loved it more than she could ever explain. She'd even started thinking about what books or music she should let it listen to when its ears developed. 

Jonah and she had both agreed that the entire Harry Potter series would come first.

Anyways, Jack and Corbyn had sulked off somewhere and Camryn wouldn't have minded all that much if she could sleep without her boyfriend. So, drastic times called for drastic measures. Sitting in her pajamas, Jack's shirt and a pair of shorts, Camryn pulled out her phone. A few minutes later her bedroom door opened to reveal Joey standing there. 

"Alright, so this is gonna sound really weird..."


Breaking News

Sources confirm that Camryn Besson and the band Why Don't We are pressing charges against Camryn's ex, Jackson. He's accused of harassment, assault, and intent of kidnapping. The last charge was unknown until Jackson's texts were seized, a conspiracy between him and Gabbie Gonzalez.

Gabbie Gonzalez is the ex of Jack Avery, a member of the band. It was recently known that Gabbie and Jackson were a couple. The accused recently wrote an article about Camryn, projecting nothing but hate in her direction. We have to question whether this story was obviously fake due to the charges.

We'll have more on this story as soon as the facts are known. 

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