I Could Never Forgive Myself

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JackAvery |

Give me the look, you know the one I want

Tagged: @WizardsOfAveryPlace | Liked by @WhyDontWeMusic and 2,012,373 others


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WizardsOfAveryPlace |

Baby, I got chills

Tagged: @JackAvery | Liked by @BaileeHerron and 1,934,274 others

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"Come here, baby girl." Jack's large hands settled on her hips, moving their bodies against one another. She ground her ass against his crotch, one hand snaking up behind her to rest in his hair. Open-mouthed kisses covered her shoulders, spine, and collar. "You look so gorgeous," Jack rolled one of her black spaghetti straps between his fingers, her lace low-cut dress ending just below the knees. A long slit up the left leg showed plenty of her thigh, matching chunky heels on her feet.

"You don't look so bad yourself," Camryn spun in his embrace, dragging her gaze over his tailored body. Fitted black jeans, a matching v-neck, and a pair of Italian leather shoes. A large silver Swiss watch sat on his left wrist, a present from Camryn for finishing the new song. She had a much cheaper version on her own left wrist, making sure to splurge on his. "I love the song, J."

'Chills' was the best song yet, in Camryn's opinion. She'd had it on repeat ever since Jack had let her listen to it last night. The kids loved it too, from Lavender to Asher. Sure, Asher couldn't sing it but he could wiggle back and forth to the beat. Camryn always listened to both the boys' music and her own during her pregnancies. Of course, she threw in a host of other artists, like 'The Vamps' and '5SOS'.

"I'm gonna go get us a refill," Jack kissed Camryn's temple, slipping away to the bar. Bailee smiled from across the room as she danced with Zach. The blood drained from Bailee's face as she locked on a figure behind Camryn, instantly getting Zach's attention. Camryn frowned confusedly, turning on her heel only to do the same thing Bailee had. Jackson West stood only a foot away from his ex-girlfriend, a sickening grin on his face.

"Hey there, Cammy. Miss me?"

Camryn took off toward Bailee and Zach, running right into the boy's arms. Pushing the girls behind him, Zach looked up to see Jackson had disappeared. Shaking with fear, Camryn finally allowed her brain to work again. "Go call Gabbie!" Bailee rushed to Tate and Joey, explaining the situation. Zach held onto Camryn, guiding her in the direction of Jack. He was paying when they approached, all expression dropping from his face.

"Here- what's wrong?" Jack abandoned their drinks on the counter, making it to his wife in two long strides. "Zach? What happened?" His hands frantically searched her body, pulling her into his arms as Zach explained. Camryn couldn't hear anything they were saying, her eyes focusing on the windows they stood by. It wasn't until a couple of kids rushed past on the sidewalk that a horrifying thought crossed her mind. 

"The kids!" 

She pushed through the crowd and through the door, desperately trying to remember where they'd parked. "Camryn! Wait!" Jack lunged forward just before she stepped into oncoming traffic, locking her in his embrace. "They're with Reese, Anna, and Ash, okay? I'm sure they're just fine," Camryn gripped both sides of Jack's face, trying to convey her terror.

"Jackson knows me, he knows how to hurt me. My family is the most important thing in the world, that's where he'd go first." Camryn watched his fear start rising, all but carrying her across the street. Zach and Jonah started to come over with Tate and Bailee, Camryn stopping them. "No, you guys need to go find Gabbie. He might go after her, too. Daniel, Joey, you guys should come. Corbyn, please take Christina and go check on Mom and Dad."

There was no room for argument as Camryn slammed the drivers' door shut, Jack sitting in the passenger seat. Daniel and Joey got in the back, calling their family. "Hold on tight, cause this isn't going to be a smooth ride." Her foot slammed down on the gas pedal, sending them further back into their seats. She drove as if she was a character on Grand Theft Auto, weaving in and out of traffic without looking back.


"Don't," She snapped at Joey, Jack's hand creeping over to rest on her knee. "I'm sorry, Jo. But if anything happened to one of you or someone else I care about I could never forgive myself, okay?" Camryn allowed herself to cover Jack's hand, swallowing back a sob. He squeezed her tightly, hating himself for allowing Jackson to live. "C'mon, c'mon..." Camryn's voice shook, whipping the car down the correct street. She'd barely parked the car before she was running toward the front door, not even turning off the Tesla.

"Where are they?" 

Reese, Anna, and Ashley jumped in fright from their spot on the couch. "Mom?" Lavender popped her head up from her hidden seat on the floor, tucked in a bundle of blankets with her siblings. "What's wrong?" Camryn picked up her daughter, burying her face in Lavender's hair. Jack, Daniel, and Joey entered seconds later to explain what was going on. "Are you okay, Mom?" Camryn sat down with Lavender still in her arms, not yet able to answer.

"She's okay, buttercup. Mom just needs a minute," Jack leaned on Daniel for support, taking long breaths to calm himself. Joey shared a look with her husband, slipping away to check on their children next door. Camryn eventually let go of Lavender, telling her to go back to sleep. She fell into Jack, crying into his chest. "I'll protect you, princess."

But he didn't know that nobody could protect them.

Nobody, except Camryn Melanie Avery herself.


(A/n - CHILLS IS A BANGER YALL. Also, surprise bitches. You thought you'd seen the last of him? Mwahaha)

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