The Most

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DanielSeavey |

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DanielSeavey |

I love my Angel.

This girl is the most amazing person I've ever met in my life. She's kind, she's caring, she puts others first, and she never uses someone. Don't act as you know her when you don't, because I can assure you there's more than what meets the eye. What he said about her is the complete opposite of the truth, and I can vouch for that. I can also say that what I witnessed the last time he was here he doesn't want to get out, unless he wants a life sentence in jail. 

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson | Liked by @AshBesson and 3,234,951 others

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Daniel glanced down at the shifting body intertwined with his, a blonde head resting on his bare chest. A smile rests on his lips as he watched her breath, having fallen asleep during a Harry Potter marathon. His fingertip traced the tattoo of New York City on her shoulder, eyes flickering up when the door burst open. "Her rooms a mess, and I can't find- Whoa,"

Zach and Corbyn both looked at the sight with wide eyes, Jonah showing up behind them a second later. Daniel made a shushing gesture, motioning to Camryn's sleeping figure. "Shh, guys she's still asleep. And no, Corbyn, this is not what it looks like." Corbyn smirked at his friend and shrugged his shoulder in an unconvinced manner. "Hey, just use pro-"

"What the hell?"

Jack's question was loud enough to wake up Camryn, the girl groaning and sitting up with her eyes still closed. "Dani, why are you so loud-" She dropped the hand from her face and opened her eyes, green orbs going wide in surprise. "Oh," The three boys watched them with amusement, but Jack had nothing but pure fire in his eyes.

The duvet fell to reveal Camryn's rather skimpy clothing, her gaze watching Jack grow angrier. "Uh, this isn't what it looks like." Daniel leaned down and snatched his sweatshirt from off the ground, handing it to her. She tossed it on over her head, the yellow fabric swallowing her whole. "Thanks," Zach smacked Corbyn's chest, whispering something in his ear that made his face grow grim again.

"Yeah, I almost forgot why we came in here. Listen, Camryn, Jackson-"

"Made me look like a cheap, selfish, whore?" Daniel winced under his breath, the other four boys sharing a look as he spoke up. "Yeah, we know." Camryn looked like she was on death's door with sunken cheeks and darkened under eyes. She stood from the comfort of Daniel's bed, flipping her hair so she could pin it in a high ponytail. "Which reminds me, we're gonna have to clean your room up." Daniel tried to joke, Camryn sending him a weak smile.

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