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Their tongues tangled together in a heated kiss, her legs wrapping around his waist. One hand slipped down the back of her pants, squeezing harshly. She gasped in pleasure, giving him the advantage of power. Her head fell back while he trailed kisses down her neck and yanked her pants off. "J,"

Camryn fumbled with the zipper of his hoodie, pushing it off Jack's arms to reveal his toned abdomen. He shivered as her fingernails traced line after line, digging into the soft skin on his back. Jack tugged Camryn's top over her head, his eyes getting darker when he stood back to admire her. 

"You're," He placed a kiss between the valley of her breasts, laying her back so he hovered over her. "So," She inhaled sharply when his teeth grazed her hardened nipple. "Beautiful," Flicking his tongue over her breasts, he spoke in between each action. "That I," One breast popped out of his mouth. "Could," Repeating the action for her other. "Fuck," His tongue trailed down to the hemline of her red thong. "You," A low groan escaped her when he pulled the lace material down with his teeth. "Constantly,"

Jack placed his mouth over her clit without a single warning, Camryn fisting the sheets with both hands. His tongue drew figure eights until she was a moaning mess beneath him, sliding two fingers inside her. "Fuck, Daddy." He growled into her over the nickname, the vibrations sending her into new realms of pleasure.

Camryn and Jack were horny little shits. They were vocal about what they wanted, how it felt, and dirty talk was a must. So it came as no surprise when she screamed out his name. He loved it, knowing he was the one to make her feel that way. She gripped his curls and tugged violently as she came all over him. 

"Hmm, my baby girl tastes so good." He sucked his fingers clean, slamming his mouth back over hers in an open-mouthed kiss. Camryn could taste herself on his tongue, flipping an all-new level of lust. "So dirty for me," Jack pulled his sweatpants off, his erection springing free. He didn't even have time to blink before Camryn had sat up and switched their positions. 

Wrapping a hand around his length, she lightly teased the tip with her tongue. His hands made a makeshift ponytail from her hair, eyes scrunching shut with pleasure. She bobbed her head up and down, using her hand for what she couldn't reach. Jack released a long string of cuss words when Camryn batted her eyelashes innocently. "Damn, you're so gorgeous." 

"No no, I wanna be inside of you, Princess." Jack pulled her off when he was close, carefully but roughly picking her up and slamming inside of her. Camryn screamed in pleasure, Jack tossing one of her legs over his shoulder. "You're so tight, baby girl." Their lips smashed together once again, tangling heatedly as she scratched up his back. Jack slapped Camryn's ass, the girl crying out over the stinging sensation.

"I'm close," Camryn moaned in Jack's ear, biting his shoulder. He roughly squeezed her chest, picking up the pace of his thrusts. "Me too," She clenched around him, smirking at the strangled groan that left his swollen lips. A few minutes later a blinding pleasure flowed through them, Camryn's body shaking when Jack pulled out. 

After taking a minute to come down, Jack went to the bathroom and returned with a rag. Camryn flinched when he cleaned her off, sensitive to the slightest touch. Climbing into bed next to her, Jack pulled the white silk sheet over their bodies. A smirk took over his face when their naked limbs intertwined. 

"So damn beautiful,"



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