Run Over The Pregnant Lady

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"Where the heck is he!" The brunette had been changed into a gown with help from her other pregnant friend. She was currently bent over the edge of her hospital bed, gritting her teeth in pain. "Someone better find him because I swear if he doesn't get here soon this child will have no father!"

Camryn shot Joey a look, motioning for her to go. "Joey's going to call him, isn't that right?" Joey all but ran from the room, dialing Daniel's number. "Breathe with me, okay? In and out," The blonde came to the other side of Bailee's bed, grasping her hands. Bailee looked up at her best friend, finding a minuscule amount of courage.

"I'm scared." Bailee teared up, clutching Camryn for dear life. "None of my family is here and they refuse to talk to me." Camryn walked around the bed, grabbing Bailee's face. Tears still trailed down the brunette's face, mixing with pain.

"We're your family. Me, Zach, everyone else. So let's do this," Camryn helped Bailee to bed, nodding at the nurse. She placed both of her feet into stirrups so her legs were bent. "Here," Offering up a hand, the blonde allowed her hand to be held while the nurse started talking.

"Okay, you're only dilated three centimeters. That means you're still in the early stage, and unfortunately, it means you have a long road ahead." Both girls groaned, the nurse giving a sympathetic smile. Camryn rolled her eyes, smoothing back Bailee's hair. "I'll go get you some ice chips."

"You do that," Bailee growled under her breath, Camryn's lips twitching in amusement. Once the nurse left, Joey entered in her place. "Did you tell him I'm going to kill him? I'm going to kill him and then cut off his di-" Bailee cut herself off when they heard the sound of footsteps down the hall, a small crash, and then cursing.

"What the hell, Marais?"

"Back off, Avery. It's not my fault Corbyn stopped in the middle of the hallway!"

"I was going to run into Daniel! Blame him!"

"I didn't wanna run over the pregnant lady!"

"So help me god, if I miss the birth of my son because of you four I'm gonna cut off your di-"

All five boys abruptly stopped arguing from their pile on the floor, looking up. Camryn, Joey, and even Bailee stood in the hallway watching them fight. The oldest girl of them all spoke up with a smirk, one hand on her heavily pregnant stomach. "Your?" Jack flashed his girlfriend a grin, getting a wink in return. "Would you five stop blocking the nurse's path?" Apologizing to the nurses, the boys scrambled to stand and followed the girls into the hospital room.

"Bai," Zach wrapped his girlfriend in a hug, kissing her on the forehead. "How's our boy doin'?" All the tension seemed to have left Bailee's body when Zach arrived. She melted into his embrace, a smile appearing on her lips as she updated him on the process. Camryn just found it strangely adorable that the couple had matching threats.

Daniel had already stolen Joey away from them, Jonah and Corbyn making their way to the cafeteria. "Princess?" Jack held out his hand for Camryn to take, leading her down the hall and into the elevator. As soon as the door closed they threw themselves in each other's arms, her arms tightening around his neck. "God, I've missed you."

Jack breathed in her scent, Camryn doing the same with his sandalwood soap. "Me too, so so much." She pulled back to look in his eyes, beaming smiles on their lips. "Lav's missed you too. The night you left she kicked me half to death until I put on your album so she could hear you sing." They laughed lightly, a part of Camryn feeling whole again. 

"I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up on my promise to you. But that's gonna change," He pecked her lips, the elevator doors opening. Jack slid his hand into Camryn's and led them down the hall to the gift shop. "I told Zach we'd get him some flowers for Bailee," Camryn stared at Jack in admiration, yanking him toward her for a short kiss. 

"C'mon, I wanted to get them a few other things." She pulled him inside the stoor, the boy suddenly whiny from the loss of her lips. Her laugh tinkled through the store, bringing a smile to his face. "Babe, do you want to pick out a stuffed animal for the baby?" Jack grinned, basically sprinting to the other side of the shop. 

"Can I get a dozen white roses with some delphinium wrapped in baby blue tissue paper?" The florist stared at Camryn in surprise for a moment, not expecting such a specific order. She used to grow flower gardens with her mother when she was younger, something she planned on doing with Lavender. "If you have a vase too that'd be amazing," Camryn called out as the lady disappeared behind a door.

"I found one!" A small stuffed monkey was placed on the counter before her, it's brown fur matching the marble. His proud grin made Camryn fall even more in love with him, placing a lingering kiss on Jack's cheek. "Wow, did you pick these out?" Jack watched the arrangement in awe, sliding his credit card in before Camryn could.

"Beautiful, aren't they? You've got yourself a keeper, young man." The older woman smiled at the couple. Handing Jack the receipt, she gently pushed the flowers across the counter. He grabbed them, scolding Camryn for trying to pick up the tiny item. 

"Yes ma'am, indeed I do."


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Elijah Dean Herron.

Dad and I love you so much already.

(Even more than you love the monkey Uncle Jack and Aunt Camryn gave you.)

Tagged: @ZachHerron | Liked by @AshBesson and 1,402,583 others

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My boy. 

Elijah Dean Herron, you are so loved.

I can't wait to watch you grow up.

Tagged: @BaileeMads | Liked by @MamaHerron and 2,490,358 others 

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