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* 6 Months Later *

* 6 Months Later *

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JackAvery |

I can't believe my mini-me is six-months-old.

He already has my sense of style.

Tagged: @WizardsOfAveryPlace | Liked by @AshBesson and 2,028,482 others

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"Camryn, can I ask you for a favor?" She was halfway through feeding JC, Jack-Corbyn, a jar of carrots when Joey entered the kitchen. Humming under her breath, she signaled for her friend to elaborate. Joey shifted from foot to foot, sitting down beside her. "I was wondering if you'd come with me to the OB today. I, um, I think I might be pregnant."

Midway to the baby's mouth, the entire spoon dropped to the floor with a clang. "Say what now?" Joey grabbed a napkin to wipe off the tile, shaking the entire time. "Joey Lynn King, get your as- butt, back up here so I can look you in the eye." Camryn sat JC on the ground by his toys, turning back to Joey. "Is this a good thing? Because I'm there no matter what, I just need to know."

Joey's eyes went wide, shaking her head vehemently. "No no, it's a good thing. I just haven't told Daniel yet," Camryn handed Lavender her sippy cup without even looking, drawing an impressed look from Joey. She hadn't even seen the little girl walk up to them. "How- never mind, will you come with me?" 

"Of course I'll go with you, Jo. Can you put socks on JC and tell Lavender to put her shoes on while I get dressed? Oh, make sure she puts them on the right foot." Camryn hurried upstairs to her bedroom and stepped inside her closet. Stripping off her baby-food-stained clothing, she tugged on a pair of jeans that weren't as snug as they used to be.

Camryn had lost more and more weight over time, especially now that her second kid was taking up her time. Snatching a loose white and blue pinstripe tank, she slid it on over her head and shoved both feet inside a pair of sandals. Camryn hopped downstairs once she had the diaper bag which doubled as a purse strapped across her body. "Alright, Lav, can you turn off the tv for Mommy?" 

Lavender grinned happily, bouncing across the room to do as requested. "Jo, have you taken a pregnancy test yet?" Camryn picked up JC from the ground and placed him on her hip. Joey nodded distractedly, flashing Lavender a smile. "I'm guessing it was pos- thank you- positive?" Joey had strapped Lavender in her car seat without having to be asked, finishing at the same time Camryn did. 

"Yeah, it was. I just, I'm afraid, Camryn. What if I'm not a good Mom?" Camryn made an indignant sound from the back of her throat, taking one hand off the wheel to grasp Joey's. Her hormones brought tears to the girls' eyes, hastily wiping them away. "You, Bailee, and Christina are all so good at this. Hell, even Gabbie's a great Mom and she's younger than me."

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