Take It Back

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It was the day. 

The day Camryn had been waiting on so desperately for more than one reason. All of the boys were meeting her there since she had to arrive alone after her guests were already there for a 'wow' factor. Christina had dropped by to do her hair in a sexy bun with sections of blonde hair hanging down to frame both sides of her face. She had a pair of diamond studs in her ears with a matching ring on her left middle finger and clutch. Her nude pumps were pointed in the toes and blended in surprisingly well with her tanned skin tone.

But her dress was the show stopper. 

It was a pure white and floor-length with a slit up the left side that showed her entire leg. There was only one sleeve that covered her right arm, and the silky fabric encased only her overflowing chest, leaving slits in random places along with her shoulders bare. But one single piece of the wrapped fabric tied around her throat tightly and hung down on the left side. It was a somewhat sheer fabric so you could see the outline of the white thong she wore if you stared at her ass long enough. Christina had told her while painting her nails a crisp white that she thought it made her look even hotter. 

Her breathing had gotten quicker as she pulled up outside of the club her record company had rented out, the limo coming to a stop. The door opened for her, a man helping her from the car and leading her inside. Everyone turned to look at Camryn as she entered, the spotlight dropping on her.

"The woman herself has arrived, Camryn Besson!" 

All the air sucked from Jacks lungs as he looked up from the girl he was using to pass the time, his feet carrying him closer to Camryn and away from this stranger. She looked radiant with the lights shimmering off her dress and the highlighting makeup she wore. Her green eyes glittered with happiness as the pact venue cheered for her, a beaming smile taking over her lips. Jack was getting ready to walk up to her in his daze, but he was beaten to the punch. 

Tall, blonde, muscular, the guy swooped Camryn up in a hug by her waist. "Cammy!" He sat her down on the ground, allowing Camryn to finally take a look at him. "Jackson? I didn't think you were coming." Her tone was a little nervous and her eyes widened by ten sizes when she saw five guys appear behind him. 

"You look great, sis. I'm so proud of you!" Corbyn placed a kiss on his sister's forehead, beaming from ear to ear but scrunching his eyebrows in confusion as to the guy standing there. "Hi, I'm Jackson West. You must be Corbyn and the rest of the guys, Cammy told me a lot about you." Camryn winced quietly when Jackson used her nickname, Corbyn flicking his eyes to her but shaking his outstretched hand. 

"Uh, yeah. Can't say the same," Jack snickered quietly when Jackson's smile faltered, getting elbowed by Daniel. "I'm Jonah, this is Zach, Daniel, and, uh, Jack." Jackson shook each of their hands awkwardly but when he reached Jack, the curly-haired boy just glared at him. Camryn laughed nervously, grabbing ahold of Jackson's arm in hidden anger. "Excuse me, Jackson, can I talk to you?" Her words dripped with so much venom it surprised each of the Why Don't We boys, but Jackson was completely oblivious as Camryn dragged him into an empty room.

Jonah, Jack, Zach, and Daniel tried to make out what they were saying from across the large room, Jack tapping his foot nervously. Corbyn was with Christina. None of them were going to interfere, however, until Jackson grabbed ahold of Camryns arm and roughly pinned her against the wall. They all moved but nobody was as quick to get there as Jack. Jonah and Daniel sped up a little, calling out to him.

"Jack, wait-"


But it was of no use for Jack tapped on Jackson's shoulder, waited until he looked, then served up one hell of a right hook. Jackson stumbled backward before throwing a punch at a much smaller Jack, snapping Camryn out of her daze and causing her to scream in horror. 


Camryn ran at Jackson and pushed him off Jack, who he'd continued to pummel. Jackson looked at her in surprise, this being the first time she'd ever stood up to him. He was even more surprised when she radiated pure anger instead of fear, standing protectively in front of Jack. "Don't you fucking touch him," The room had gone silent in shock of Camryn's outburst, her hands balling into fists. "Now, get out of here before I let them have you. And this time, Jackson, I'm gonna be the one delivering the final blow." 

Jackson looked to Camryns left where the three remaining boys stood, each one of them pissed to hell. Their anger rose, even more, when they inferred what she meant by it would be her delivering the final blow this time. He scrambled onto his feet and ran out the exit door behind him, Camryn falling to her knees next to Jack. 

Tears sprung to her eyes as she bent over his conscious body, gently brushing a stray curl from his beautiful brown eyes. "You dumbass," Camryn choked as she cupped his cheek, not caring who was in the room. "You could've gotten yourself hurt so much worse, he could've broken your rib or-" Jack pulled her into a hug to shut her up, hating the fact she was probably talking from experience. Jonah whispered that they were going to go find the first aid kit, pulling the other two from the room. 

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, just holding one another, until Jack pulled back. He cupped Camryn's cheek, a bruise forming on the right side of his face along with a busted lip. "This night? It's yours. So how about we go take it back?" Camryn nodded and stood up with him, the duo walking out of the room to do just that.

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