It's My Turn

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Camryns.The.Besson |

From the kicking, I'd say she's just about as unhappy about Daddy leaving tomorrow as I am.

Tagged: @JackAvery | Liked by @TheVamps and 1,023,438 others

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Camryn zipped the brown suede boots all the way past her knees, in a depressed daze. A tan top was tucked inside a white lace mini-skirt. Her hair was curled loosely with minimal natural makeup. She was insanely sad inside but refused to let it show. 

 All the families were meeting at a nice Italian restaurant for dinner after they'd already spent the day together at the beach. The whole time she'd plastered a fake smile on her face to keep herself from the reminder that Jack was leaving. That he was leaving and she wouldn't get any alone time with him until tonight. 

"I hurt too," She hadn't heard Bailee appear behind her. Camryn jumped in surprise, turning around to see her saddened best friend. "You can fool everyone else, but you can't fool me." Bailee wrapped her arms around Camryn, the girls clutching one another tightly. "Tomorrow night us three girls will have a romcom session. But tonight, we just have to get through it."

"How did you get so wise?" Camryn smiled sadly at Bailee, the dark-haired girl smiling back with a shrug. Exhaling deeply, she led the younger girl back downstairs. Joey was the only one in the living room when they arrived. "Hey, where'd the boys go?"

"They rode together. It's just us now," Joey held a tiny ounce of bitterness in her tone, all three of them sharing a look. "Cam, are you driving?" Camryn nodded silently, all of them walking outside to her jeep. "I wonder if you drove slower if we'd get more time with them," Bailee whispered lowly, Camryn sucking in her lips.

"God, I hope so."


JackAvery |

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JackAvery |

Tour, here we come.

Tagged: @CorbynBesson & 4 others | Liked by @WhyDontWeMusic and 2,304,580 others

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Camryn ignored the Instagram notification from Jack and turned her phone off. For the first time, she wished she wasn't pregnant. The only reason? So she could get blackout-drunk. Now she'd have to settle for binging every sugar-filled item in the Los Angeles area. 

Once Jack left, of course.

"Princess?" Jack called out, just getting home at two AM. He followed the flickering light upstairs, his eyes taking a moment to adjust when he reached the top level. White rose petals trailed from the stairs into their bedroom. His shoes and jacket had been left in the living room downstairs, leaving his bare feet to walk beside the fallen petals. "What's go- woah,"

Camryn was perched on the edge of their bed surrounded by rose petals and candles. A white lace bra and crotchless panty set with straps that attached to lace stockings. Matching heels rested on her feet, her belly was still rather small but she only intended on wearing them for a short time. 

If ya get her drift.

"I thought we should make the most of these last-" She glanced at the clock. "Eight hours." Camryn stood, sauntering over to him and placing her hands on his chest. "I don't want to go to sleep when I could be awake, right here in this bed beside you." He leaned his forehead against her's, inhaling her lavender scent. Jack opened his mouth to protest, getting silenced by Camryn's lips. 

She roughly slipped her tongue inside his mouth, taking him by surprise. He groaned when she sucked his bottom lip into her mouth, pulling with her teeth. Her fingers slid up into his hair, tugging his head back. "No," She kissed his jawline. "Talking," His jugular. "Just," Trailed down to his collar. "Us-"

Jack couldn't take it anymore. He picked her up by her bottom, her legs wrapping around his waist. Their lips connected in a fierce kiss, tongue's fighting for dominance. Laying her down on the bed, Jack hovered over her body and trailed kisses down her body. She squirmed under his touch when he reached her panties. 


 He growled against her skin, pulling back from her. She whimpered at the loss of contact, heating up inside when she saw the burning darkness in his eyes. "What's my name?" Jack trailed a finger up her leg, Camryn sucking in a breath when he ran up her slit. She swore under her breath when he shoved the finger in her mouth, making her taste herself. He pulled back, taking a step away from the bed and repeating himself.

"Daddy," She unsnapped her garters, his eyes darkening. "Now, stop talking." Camryn grabbed his shirt and pulled him to her. "And fuck me." Jack almost came in his pants at the neediness in her voice. She pulled his button-up apart, revealing his toned chest that she ran her nails across. 

Jack snatched her hands, a slight fear striking through Camryn. Taking his belt off, Jack tied her to the headboard with an evil smirk. They'd done stuff like it before, but something about tonight made it feel more significant. "Someone's been a bad girl," He took off his clothes hurriedly, licking his lips.

He pushed up her bra, savagely attaching his mouth to her breast. Camryn cried out when he plunged two fingers inside of her, Jack automatically stopping. "No noise, princess." She bit her lip when he picked up speed again, barely containing a scream when he replaced his fingers with his dick. 

Sensing how hard it was becoming for Camryn to keep quiet, he smirked down at her. Jack leaned down and sucked on her breast, pulling off with a pop. "Scream for me," Camryn shouted his name at the top of her lungs, Jack's eyes screwing shut as he moaned. "Just like that, Baby Girl," She came undone under his touch when he started attacking her clit with his thumb, Jack following soon after. 

Jack took a moment to breathe before undoing her restraints, falling beside her. Camryn glanced over at him, the duo out of breath. The sight of his naked body glistening with sweat sent a new surge of energy through her. With a smirk and a few bad ideas, she seized the belt he'd discarded along with his hands. "What-" Camryn tied him to the bed, climbing on top of a confused and very turned on Jack. 

"It's my turn to be in control, Daddy."

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