The Avery Five

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Our little Lav won first place in the school talent show by playing her uke.

Tio Daniel's been teaching her how in secret and we're so proud of how great she is!

Tagged: @JackAvery & @LavAvery | Liked by @DanielSeavey and 2,098,731 others

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"That was amazing, Lavvy!"

Camryn and Jack squished their daughter between them, peppering her in kisses. "Is that what Dani's been teaching you and Elijah?" Lavender nodded, enjoying the pride her parents were radiating. "You did so well, I think you definitely have Dad's talent." She could already play the piano and she was working on the violin. Daniel and Joey came up behind Lavender with a box of candy, presenting it to the young girl.

"Hey, she gets her skills from you too, princess." Jack squeezed Camryn's hip, beaming with happiness. It brought him joy to know that all five of his kids had a knack for music. Even Asher would dance to any beat there was. "The kids could form a band!" He gasped, eyes lighting up with ideas. Camryn giggled, pecking him lightly on the lips.

"The Avery Five?" She smiled amusedly, raising a sculpted brow. Jack gave her a pointed look, chuckling despite his best efforts. "She's a teenager now, Jack." Camryn kept her gaze on Lavender, leaning into his embrace. They couldn't believe it'd been thirteen years since Camryn gave birth to their oldest child. "When did that happen?" Elijah slowly went up to Lavender, one hand behind his back until he reached her. He produced a bouquet of white roses, cheeks flushing red just like his Dad's. 

"Jack," Camryn quickly stepped in front of Jack, pointing her finger at him. "No, you do not say or do anything!" Sternly forcing him back, she slipped her hand in his to root him in his spot. Together, they watched Lavender give Elijah her mother's special breath-taking smile that Camryn reserved for Jack. "Oh boy," Jack buried his head in her shoulder, groaning as if he was in physical pain. "Come on, we always knew those two would happen sometime." Camryn kissed Jack sideways, squeezing his bicep. 

Jack sighed in surrender, inhaling her scent. "Yeah, I know." Camryn reached for her purse, hiking it up onto her shoulder. "Let's go back home, Jonah said he ordered us food." Everyone else had stayed at the Avery home to watch the kids, instead seeing Lavender perform over Instagram live. Jack pulled her in the direction of their child, Elijah's eyes widening dramatically. Camryn stifled a laugh, pulling the boy into her side. "Come on, buttercup."

"You too, lover-boy."


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Naia and Lani decided to try on Camryn's jacket

Surprisingly, it zipped

Tagged: @WizardsOfAveryPlace & @JackAvery | Liked by @WhyDontWeMusic and 2,083,474 others

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AliAmazing |

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AliAmazing |

My best friend won the talent show! 

Tagged: @LavAvery | Liked by @WizardsOfAveryPlace and 1,208 others

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Lavender, Ali, and Elijah rushed into the water with the rest of the children. Jonah, Zach, and Corbyn had set up an entire party, with the help of Christina, Bailee, and Tate, by the time they got back home. Food, drinks, purple decor seeing as it was Lavender's favorite color. And no, it was not just because it was her namesake.

"Thank you for doing this," Camryn and Jack were tangled in a sunbathing chair, enjoying the setting sun. "Lav loves it," She did, especially the food aspect of things. "And Daniel," He looked up from beside Joey, Luka in their lap. "You did a great job of teaching her." Daniel grinned with that adorable little gap between his two front teeth. 

"Of course!" He loved teaching the kids about anything and everything relating to music. His kids were already learning to play about ten different instruments. Lennox, who was at the dessert table, seemed to have also inherited his father's distaste for chocolate. Grace, on the other hand, couldn't get enough of it. "I was already teaching Len so I figured why not?"

Camryn was trying to hide the fact she'd started feeling bad around six AM this morning. She was exhausted, aching, and altogether feeling like a sick child. But, Jack could see it, every single moment of her pain. He hadn't stopped paying attention and instead made sure to help with everything. 

"Princess," Camryn hummed with her eyes closed, snuggling into Jack's side. "We need to make another Doctor's appointment." Her eyes opened instantly, not uttering a single word. "You know that, right?" She nodded, too tired to lift her head off his chest. "Come on, you need to go rest." Jack scooped her into his arms, taking the ascension upstairs to their bedroom. Camryn tried to argue but as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was a goner. 

"That's what I thought,"


"Mom will be in the hospital for the night, okay?"

Jack explained to his children, calmly answering their questions. "The doctors just need to run some more tests and figure out why her medicine isn't working." He hugged JC when the boy crawled walked over, scared. One by one, all five children entered in the group-hug. Lavender took care of Naia, who she was rather close with seeing as their personalities were similar. "But, she'll be fine. I promise."

"We know," Lavender smiled reassuringly, resembling her mother. Jack was always taken aback by how mature Lavender was even at the age of thirteen. It was obvious she got it from Camryn considering he was pretty childish at that age. Heck, he still was at times. "Maybe we should make Mom some cards?" Lani and JC cheered, rushing over to the craft box. "Dad, you can make one too!"

"Heck yeah! Bring on the glitter-glue!"


A/N - I love that GIF of Jack so dang much

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