Letting Your Guard Down

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"Everyone give it up one last time for my beautiful sister, Camryn Besson!" Camryn blew kisses at the crowd, high fiving a couple of people and catching whatever gift one girl threw her way. "Bye, everyone! See you after!" She was just about to place her foot on the top step when her heel broke, sending her tumbling down the steps.

Collective gasps filled the air, all five boys sprinting across the stage toward a stunned Camryn. She laid still, terror seizing her body and tears filling her eyes. "Oh, god." Joey and Bailee rushed toward the scene, shouting for a medic. Corbyn and Jack stood rooted in their spots, horrified looks on their faces as the EMT's got there.

"Corbyn, Jack, you guys need to finish the show. Bailee and Joey will keep you updated." Their manager ordered, both boys wanting to fight like hell but seeing the look Camryn gave them. Each boy took turns giving Camryn's hand a squeeze before running back to the stage, Corbyn going last. "Call me as soon as you figure everything out,"

Everyone went their separate ways, terrified.


A little while and a ton of tests later, Camryn was resting on her bed with her wrist wrapped from falling on it. She was incredibly shaken up from the thought of her possibly injured baby, who turned out to be perfectly fine. The only things wrong were that her ribs were bruised and her wrist was sprained.

Corbyn had come to see her about an hour ago with Daniel and Jonah, bringing gifts from her fans at the meet and greet. Zach and Jack had apparently gotten nabbed by Eben and a few others for something. Bailee had gotten tired and went to bed not that long ago, Zach popping in for a second to double-check on Camryn. If Zach was here then Joey knew Jack shouldn't be too far behind, telling Camryn goodnight and going to her own area to sleep. The bus started to move, waking Camryn from the dazed state she'd been in of wondering where Jack was.

Not even five seconds later her bedroom door flew open, Jack storming in and locking it behind him. Camryn shifted in bed so she was sitting upright, wincing with her bruised ribs. Kicking off his shoes while whipping his shirt over his head, Jack came over to Camryn's side of the bed and sat on the edge, completely silent.

It was then that Camryn noticed the tears running down his cheeks, all remnants of bodily pain leaving her as she shot forward. Using her thumbs to brush away his tears, Camryn cupped his face in hers. "God, princess. You terrified me," Camryn listened to him vent with a few saltwater drops staining her skin. "I almost punched Jonah to get off the stage quicker because I was so worried."

She chuckled tearily, cradling his head against her chest. "I know, I was too, babe. But she's healthy," Jack stilled, pulling back in confusion. Camryn thought for a moment, going over her words in her head. "Oh, I don't know for sure I just have a feeling, I guess." He smiled beautifully, shining eyes and red skin.

"I think so too." 


Jack had his head resting on Camryn's chest, her fingers combing through his curls and their legs intertwined. Even though he was basically on top of her he curved himself around her stomach in a protective manner that wouldn't put too much pressure on her. Camryn smiled at the way Jack still subconsciously protected their baby, even when he was exhausted and just wanted to cuddle.

"I'm sorry for acting like such a baby," Her chest vibrated as he mumbled the words against her bare skin, only wearing a pair of Jack's sweatpants and a bra. "You know, with the whole crying thing." Camryn rolled her eyes at the ceiling, pulling him back by his curls to look at her. "Ow-"

"Jack Robert Avery, don't ever apologize for being real while you're with me. I love you, and it makes me feel... special when you cry. Like you're letting your guard down with me," She traced his lips with her fingernail, unintentionally batting her eyelashes in the doelike manner that made him weak.

"Damn, I love you." Jack didn't say it in a joking or cocky way, he said it like it was the most obvious thing ever. Something he'd say every day for the rest of his life. Which he planned to do, every minute of every day until the end of time. "So much more than you can imagine,"

Camryn blinked slowly at him, taking in every moment. Her hormones made her want to cry, laugh, and screw him all at the same time. "Well, damn, Jack. You make it really hard for a pregnant girl to resist you," She joked, Jack brushing away a small tear from her cheek. He leaned up and brushed his lips against hers, their tongues tangling sweetly. It was soft and passionate, a kiss not leading to anything more.

And they were in love with the feeling.



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Camryns.The.Besson |

My clumsy ass managed to sprain her wrist and bruise a few ribs, but it'll also see you guys tomorrow night! 🥰#TheShowMustGoOn

Tagged: @JackAvery & 10 others | Liked by @BaileeMads and 1,092,384 others

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"Why do you always disable your comments?" Bailee and Zach sat across from Camryn and Jack, both couples lying in the living area of their tour bus. The girls laid in between the boys' legs, Zach not thinking anything of the fact Camryn and Jack were doing the same thing. Instead, he decided to pick on the hormonal woman's social media choices.

"Well, it's a lot easier to do that than to delete all the negativity." Camryn played with Jack's hand, unsure of what they were even doing but having a competition nonetheless. Zach smiled at the two of them, watching their heads fall back in laughter. "You guys would be so cute together," Bailee hid a snort, Jack and Camryn glancing at each other.

"So we've heard,"

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