I'd Fight Jonah For You

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*BaileeMads Posted To Her Instagram Story*

*BaileeMads Posted To Her Instagram Story*

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Camryns.The.Besson |

I missed playing my first love. Thanks, @JonLucero, for capturing the rockstar vibes.

Tagged: @BaileeMads and 10 others | Liked by @JackAvery and 1,938,853 others

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Camryn walked off stage in a white sports bra and jean shorts, her electric guitar covering the minuscule bump that could pass as a food baby. In all honesty, Camryn hated that term but whenever someone brought it up that's what she played it off as. Her bump was still small enough she could wear a bra and get away with it so that's what she did. Besides, it gets really hot when you're performing on stage.

"Here, let me help." Joey took the guitar from Camryn, the latter cracking her back with a small sigh of relief. She took the denim jacket she'd been wearing earlier and slid it back on, sitting on an abandoned amp. The boys bound out onto the stage for 'Trust Fund Baby', Camryn's eyes following Jack's every move. "Have you talked to him?"

Camryn looked over at Joey with a shake of her head, solemnly playing with the rings on her fingers. She'd been staying in a hotel room with Bailee, forcing Jack and Zach to share one. Almost every part of her just wanted to give in, to not be hurt when he didn't want to be seen with her in public. But it did. It forced an ironic ache in her chest that could only be filled when being held by the one person who caused her pain.

"I shouldn't be surprised that he scooted away, it's probably just the pregnancy hormones." She sneakily wiped away a stray tear without Joey noticing. Camryn smiled fakely and stood, walking out from backstage. Joey watched her go with a frown and seized Jack as soon as he got off stage. 

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