Haha, Suckers

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El, Josh, and baby Elliot had gone back to New York since they had to spend Christmas with Josh's family. Rowan had also left along with every other out of towner except for Christina and Tate. Otherwise, every family was coming over for the Holliday.

"Babe, can you help me with this?" Camryn called out with her hands on her hips. Jack came around the corner with a smile, lifting the cooked ham onto their dining table. "Thanks, Lav's killing my back today." She rubbed right between her hips in the back, leaning against the counter. 

"Come here," Jack came up from behind her, rubbing up and down Camryn's back. She sighed in relief, leaning into his touch. He slid his warm fingers up her white blouse, a green sweater over it. His touch never failed the weaken her in the knees, especially when he pressed light kisses against the back of her neck that her updo provided access to. "You remember our first Christmas together?" Camryn smiled, one hand reaching up to tangle in his curls.

"How could I not?"


Two Years Ago

"Jack," Camryn whimpered under his touch as she came undone, Jack collapsing beside her. He glanced over at the clock beside the bed in their hotel room. 12:34 flashed in red lighting, a smiled on his face. 

"Merry Christmas, my princess." They stared into each other's eyes, perfectly content just lying there. He brushed a strand of hair behind her ears, tracing shapes on her bare skin. "I wish we could stay like this forever," Camryn hummed in agreeance, waiting until she thought he was almost asleep to reply.

"Me too,"



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Camryns.The.Besson |

It feels so good not to hide my bump anymore.

Tagged: @JackAvery | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 1,302,438 others

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"Camryn, you didn't have to get me anything!" Kristin held a perfectly wrapped box in her hands, scolding the young blonde. Camryn waved her off and leaned into Jack's side from their place on the loveseat. Jack's mom tore the paper to reveal a golden heart necklace. The cardboard holding it said 'Thank you for raising the man of my dreams'. Kristin teared up and crossed the room in a split second, wrapping Camryn in a hug. "We all have something for you both. Everyone pitched in,"

 A large box was thrust into their hands, the couple peeling the paper together. An empty brown picture frame had two large block initials hanging in it, J & C. Clipped beside them were pictures of the couple along with one of Camryn's ultrasound. Tears sprung in their eyes at the thoughtfulness of the gift. Camryn jumped up from the couch and motioned for everyone to gather around, engaging in a light group hug.

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