Something In Return

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His lips crashed down on hers, gently at first, then urgently the second time around. Their mouths moved as one in a desperate need to remember, to remember the taste, the touch, of the other. Her lips parted on instinct when he squeezed her waist, his tongue sliding in with ease. He stroked the inside of her mouth and she didn't even bother to fight for dominance, knowing he'd win. Just like that, they fell back into their well-oiled routine, knowing the other better than they knew themselves.

Camryn wound her arms around his neck, tangling her fingers in his curls. Jack grabbed the back of her thighs and squeezed, Camryn jumping so he could lift her. His hands cupped her ass, squeezing just enough to make her moan into his mouth. Smirking into the kiss, Jack wasn't cocky for long when Camryn tugged on his hair and pulled his bottom lip into her mouth. Jack groaned throatily as he laid Camryn on the bed, hovering over her body. Her nails dug in the perfect skin of his back when his lips moved to her sweet spot. Camryn cursed aloud as he sucked and nibbled on her skin, Jack hissing in pleasure at the scratches she was leaving.


Jack pulled back, raising a brow. "Now, now, what's my name in the bedroom?" Camryn smirked up at him, biting her lip in a way that drove him crazy. She knew his kinks, he knew hers. Licking her pout, she flipped them over so she straddled his waist. Camryn planted kisses all down his throat, grinning when she hit one of his two sweet spots. This one was behind his ear, the other, at the base of his throat. Nibbling on his earlobe, her lips whispered against the shell of his ear.


He groaned from underneath her when she ground her hips into his, lust darkened eyes reflecting back at one another. Seizing hold of her shirt, Jack raised the silk cloth up and over Camryn's head. On instinct, she went to cover her chest, Jack grabbing her wrists and pulling himself up into a sitting position. "Don't, you're so beautiful, Baby Girl." Her chest heated with love when he kissed the tops of her breasts, his eyes landing on the hidden tattoo on the side of her boob.

A tiny red J written in cursive ink rested on her skin, something only herself, El, and now Jack had seen. Jacks finger traced the curve gently, Camryn sucking in a sharp breath when he placed his lips over the spot. Her head fell back with euphoria as her white bra was flung across the room, his cold rings caressing her skin. Their moves were filled with urgency, but unlike before, it was also filled with loved up passion. "I love you," His lips moved against her tattoo, tongue flicking out to trace a line to her nipples.

Camryn tugged on his curls and let out small whimpers under his touch, Jack smirking into her skin. His hand slipped down the back of her shorts, squeezing her ass roughly and dragging the material down. Getting the memo, Camryn raised herself off Jack and stood on her knees, helping him get her clothes off. "I love you too," She smiled up at him, watching as he trailed kisses down her stomach. He finally reached her panties, pulling them down agonizingly slow with his index fingers. Camryn swore, wriggling with impatience but being pinned down by Jack, who was just as eager.

"Fuck," Camryn moaned loudly when he brought his tongue down her slit and kitten licked her, something he knew pissed her off since it felt like teasing. Jack grabbed her thighs and pulled them apart, keeping ahold of her waist as he dived deeper into her. A string of cuss words left Camryns lips as he put his tongue inside of her, pulling hard on his curls. He knew how to keep her on the edge, moving his lips to her clit and insert a finger in her.

Pumping his fingers in and out, Jack moved in a steady rhythm that brought Camryn hurtling over the edge. She came in his mouth, Jack making sure she rode out her high the way he always did. He licked his fingers clean while making eye contact, smirking as he leaned up to kiss her. Camryn tasted herself on his tongue, pushing his body over so he was flat on his back.

"Daddy deserves something in return," Jack growled as she pulled down his boxers, his hardened length slapping up against his stomach. Camryn went right at it, licking the tip then bringing her entire head down. His hands made a make-shift ponytail in her hair, guiding her head up and down feverishly. Her hands pumped at the length that couldn't fit in her mouth, making sure to keep eye contact the entire time.

Before he could come in her mouth, Jack pulled Camryn off and flipped her over. Lining up with her entrance, Jack waited for her nod before he slipped inside of her. "Fuck, princess. You're so tight," They moaned simultaneously as Jack filled her up, Camryn gripping the sheets with pleasure. Switching their positions, Camryn climbed on top of Jack, with him still inside of her, and rotated her hips.

Jack thrust his hips up to meet her rhythm, leaning up so he could kiss her. Camryn kissed back with everything she had, her nails scratching at Jacks back again. A knot formed in her lower stomach, his thrusts getting sloppier with each movement. It wasn't even a few seconds later that he came, Camryn following soon after. They rode out their orgasms together, Jack eventually pulling out of her.

Standing up on wobbly legs, Jack grabbed his boxers and gently cleaned Camryn off. Pulling back the covers and climbing in, they both locked eyes and started giggling. Camryn cuddled into Jacks embrace, their legs intertwined and her head on his chest. The duo talked endlessly for hours, not bothering to get dressed, and eventually fell asleep in their naked embrace.

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