What Just Happened?

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 Joey and Zach were busy holding back Corbyn from attacking. Who from, they weren't sure, they just knew it was a good idea. Jack, Daniel, and Jonah all moved forward to grab Jackson at the same time. Jackson smiled savagely and backhanded Camryn, her pregnant body jolting backward.

Corbyn was released by Joey and Zach within a second so they could all rush at Jackson. Jack got in one good punch, getting knocked back by a retaliation hit. But nobody had seen Camryn stand up, draw her fist back, and send it flying as soon as Jackson turned his head. Her punches kept coming, even kicking him in the abdomen when he hit the ground. Joey and Bailee grabbed ahold of her, pulling Camryn off Jackson.

Soon they all turned to Camryn, blood running from her busted lip. But the brightly burning fire in her eyes caught their attention, a new ferocity taking over. She snarled at Jackson, Camryn's parental instincts filling her. "I let you beat me for three whole years, get me hooked on drugs, and try to ruin me. But you made one hell of a mistake when you thought this child wouldn't make me fight back. Because you just threatened two of the things I would kill for," Her eyes flickered up to lock with Jack's so it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the other thing was.

Everyone was silent for different reasons, but one of them they all had in common. They never knew Camryn had been a drug addict. Another reason, she'd just threatened to kill someone. And lastly, they had no doubts she would follow through with it.

Their fears were relieved when security showed up, picking up a semi-coherent Jackson and cuffing him. They took him to custody with the intentions of pressing charges. Zach and Corbyn both watched in shock as Jack rushed back to Camryn. He scooped her up in his arms, her legs wrapping around his torso and head burying in his neck. 

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Jack cupped Camryn's face in his hands, not caring who was watching. She shook her head with a small hiccup, motioning for him to set her back on the ground. Jack turned back to look at Corbyn and Zach, the latter looking giddier than anything. "Corbyn-"

A small scream left Camryn's lips as Jack got punched across the face by her brother, Corbyn shaking his fist out with a wince. Jack stood back upright, wiggling his sore jaw. "Okay, I deserved that." Corbyn glared daggers at Jack, everyone unsure of whether the beating was going to continue.

"Damn right you did. My sister, Jack? Seriously. You know how much she means to me," Corbyn took another step closer to Jack, Camryn stepping in front of him as a human shield. He halted in his steps, blinking in confusion.

"Stop. You can be pissed but be pissed at me. I know Jack slept around in the past, sorry babe but it's true. But I love him more than anything else in the world. Well, almost anything." Camryn rested her hand on her stomach, Corbyn going silent. He stayed that way for several moments, scaring everyone. 

"Well, okay then."

Her eyes almost popped out of her head, screwing up her face in confusion. "Alright, I'm gonna need you to elaborate because that's not the response I was expecting." Joey snorted, everyone, shooting her a look. Daniel pulled her toward their trailer, Jonah following right behind them while Zach and Bailee went to theirs. 

"Am I particularly pleased that my best friend not only got her pregnant but is dating my sister? Not really. But am I gonna throw a fit and push you away like last time? No. It's gonna take time for me to adjust but I will." Corbyn stepped around Camryn, giving one last death glare to Jack. "Hurt my sister and I'll kill you." 

Jack and Camryn glanced at each other while Corbyn went to his trailer, Jon shouting for everyone to get inside. The couple walked right into their bedroom, not having to hide. Twenty silent minutes later, Camryn was back in the only comfortable position she could sleep in, wrapped in Jack's arms. 

"So, what just happened?"


Camryn and Jack had decided not to go public yet but were considerably more relaxed with the fact of their friends knowing. It still made it difficult in public though. Sure, they could act like they were dating and just not confirm it if they wanted to. But for now, they'd simply hidden their relationship.

"You okay, Cam?" Bailee glanced over at her friend as they waited in line at Starbucks. The blonde nodded, reaching for the mango lemonade placed before her. "Yeah, just tired. I'm looking forward to tonight though," 

Everyone was going out for a nice meal at a fancy restaurant, one Camryn could never afford to go to when living here. So Bailee and Camryn had gone shopping for a nice outfit before stopping to get a snack. A little while later they went back to the buses to get ready, Camryn shaving her legs in the incredibly small shower.

She smelled of lavender after emerging from the shower, a towel wrapped around her body. Pulling on a matching purple lingerie set, she cut the tags off her new romper. It was the color of lilacs and was made to look like a suit. Her breasts spilled out of the low cut v neck, blonde hair styled into a sexily messy ponytail. A pair of black strappy heels hugged her feet and her makeup was done in a smokey purple hue. 

"Hey, princess. Are you- holy shit," Jack wore black dress slacks, shoes, and a lilac button-up she figured Bailee had something to do with. His curls were messily piled atop his head, gorgeous brown eyes flitting over her body. Camryn bit her bottom lip, loving it a little too much when he got dressed up the same way she knew he loved it when she did it. 

They also loved it when the other wore sweatpants or pajamas. Basically, they could wear anything and the other was horny. "We're gonna be late," She tried walking past him, not getting far before a pair of lips crashed onto hers. He left her gasping for air, a devilish smirk on his lips. 

"I'm gonna have so much fun teasing you under the table."

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