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JackAvery |

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JackAvery |

What two things am I the most thankful for? This beautiful woman and the baby she's carrying.

I love you both more and more each day.

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson | Liked by @MamaSanford and 2,024,580 others

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Camryns.The.Besson |

Jack Robert Avery. I'm so unbelievably thankful for you and your love. The only thing I'm even more grateful for is our daughter. I love you both.

Tagged: @JackAvery | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 1,044,039 others

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ZachHerron |

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ZachHerron |


Tagged: @BaileeMads | Liked by @MamaHerron and 1,943,580 others

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She'd been up for over twenty-four hours straight. First, she'd cleaned the entire house with the help of Tate, Bailee, El, Joey, and Christina. But when it had reached midnight she made everyone go home to sleep. Jack had been working non-stop in the studio so she also refused help from him. Then she'd moved on to cooking.

While everyone was bringing a dish, Camryn had still been the sole chef. She cooked the turkey, stuffing, rolls, sweet potato casserole, and a few other dishes including a pumpkin pie. There was flour in her hair, dough on her chin, and grease staining her shirt. Her back, feet, and hands ached from being on the go. Who knows how many cups of coffee she would've consumed if it hadn't of been for the fact she was pregnant.

Music was keeping her going, the speaker in her kitchen blaring as loudly as it could without waking up Jack. Everything that needed to be cooked was cooked it would just need to be heated up when it was time. The table was set and the decorations were up despite the fact nobody would be there for at least twelve hours.

Camryn waddled upstairs to her bathroom, running a steaming shower to soothe her limbs. She stiffly undressed and dropped her clothes into the hamper. Releasing her hair from its ponytail, she sat on the built-in bench the shower had. She was perfectly content simply letting the water hit her body, leaning her head back and closing her eyes.

"Just for a second,"


Steam filled the bedroom, Jack scrunching his brows in confusion as he was awoken from his sleep. He stumbled out of bed in a panic when he realized Camryn wasn't beside him. "Camryn!" Jack ran into the bathroom, his eyes taking a moment to adjust and focus on the sleeping figure in the shower.

Jack tossed open the shower door, walking inside and pressing two fingers to her neck. He released a loud breath when he felt a heartbeat, letting his head hang forward for a second. Regret washed through him when he saw how exhausted she was, standing when he had an idea. He tossed his wet clothes outside of the shower and shut the door, turning down the temperature a little bit.

Taking her lavender-scented shampoo, he squirted a glob into his hands and started massaging it into Camryn's hair. She opened her eyes slowly, groggy from the lack of sleep. "Shh, it's okay, princess. I'm just getting you cleaned up," Jack gently rinsed out her hair, Camryn watching with awe. He washed her body with a washcloth, not in a sexual way but in a caring manner.

"I love you so much, Avery." She was carried out of the shower, placed on the counter, and dried off with a fluffy towel. "I love you too, now stay here while I get you some pajamas." He placed a kiss on her forehead, grabbing a pair of his boxers and one of his shirts. Jack dressed Camryn, carrying the half-asleep girl back to bed. He slipped a pair of sweatpants on and climbed in next to her, amused to see she was already snoring.

"Goodnight, princess."


Camryn woke with a groan. It took her eyes a few seconds to adjust to the mid-day light. The time flashing on her digital clock sent her flying from the bed, running down two flights of stairs. She skidded to a halt just inside the kitchen, tilting her head in confusion.

Both Jack's mom, her mom, and all their combined sisters were in the kitchen. Kristin was teaching Jack how to make mashed potatoes and gravy from scratch. The sight brought a tired smile to her lips, shifting her weight to the other foot and accidentally making noise. Jack smiled at Camryn, starting toward her. "Morning, Princess. Can you take this for a second, mom?"

"I got it," Camryn's mom grinned at the couple, taking over for Jack. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling Camryn in for a short kiss. Bending down, he then placed a kiss over Camryn's stomach the same way he did every morning. "Good morning, buttercup."

"We can take care of things down here, go get ready." Ashley made a small aww noise, Camryn rolling her eyes with a chuckle. She went back upstairs and showered quickly, curling her hair and doing her makeup in fall tones. Slipping on a mustard yellow dress with quarter length sleeves, she cursed when she realized that she couldn't zip it by herself.

"Jack!" She waited two seconds before she heard a series of bangs, crashes, and heavy footsteps. Jack ran through the bedroom door in a panic, looking around the room until his gaze landed on a perfectly fine Camryn. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"Sorry, I needed my dress zipped." Jack looked Camryn over, a pair of low black heels on her feet. He smiled, brushing his fingers against her back as he dragged the zipper up. His lips connected with her shoulder for a quick second, looking at them both in the mirror.

"Wow, you look gorgeous. Like a real grown-up," Camryn giggled, his arms wrapped around her waist. She placed her atop of his, rocking them back and forth. "Do you wanna know what I can't wait for you to wear?" Camryn hummed, their eyes locking as she listened. A genuine smile sat on Jack's lips, shocking both of them with his words.

"A wedding dress,"

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