Let Momma Handle This

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Jack Avery of 'Why Don't We' was just spotted at JFK airport in New York with his bandmate's sister, and fellow musician, Camryn Besson. We can't help but wonder how little brother, Corbyn, is feeling about this relationship after a string of cryptic angry tweets last night.

Camryn, a recent graduate of Julliard, released an album of her own titled 'EVOLution' this past month and it's taking the world by storm. She's quickly racked up quite a following and with her voice, knowledge, and good looks, we can see why.


Camryn Besson - A quick look at the meaning of 'EVOLution'

Why Don't We - Which member do you belong with?


Jack had gone back inside to grab a suitcase full of his things after making Camryn swear not to leave without him. His process took a little longer than expected because from the sounds of it he got into a heated argument with Corbyn. Camryn, on the other hand, was just happy she hadn't had Rowan pack up her apartment and sell it yet. So, on the bright side, Camryn didn't have to find a new place to live and if her brother never wanted to see her again, all the stuff at the Why Don't We house was replaceable.

It was a long flight and all her belonging were under the plane, leaving her in the clothes from earlier. Tugging on the end of her skirt, Camryn tried and failed on being comfortable. The first class cubby the pair were in was suddenly pulled closed by Jack, the boy yanking his neon yellow Sex Pistols sweatshirt over his head.

"Stand up," Camryn did as asked, not sure why she was letting him pull off the sheer button-down she had on. "Come closer," Gently, Jack placed his hoodie over her head, grabbing her hair in a makeshift ponytail that made them both blush with dirty thoughts. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he pulled her arms through the sleeves and let the fabric fall. A small smile took over his lips when the hoodie landed mid-thigh, swallowing her body.

"Thanks, J." The old nickname fell from her lips so easily that she didn't even notice it, not until he sucked in a sharp breath. Camryn gaped at Jack like a fish, opening and closing her mouth multiple times. "No problem, baby girl," Jack smirked at Camryn, leaning back in his seat and placing his headphones in as he watched for her reaction.

Oh, hell no. Baby girl was the nickname that gave her tingles in all the right places. He knew that, and that's why he used to use it all the time. Granted, it depended on what tone he used it in, but this one, oh boy, this one, was the tone that usually had her calling him Daddy all night. It was a secret kink of his, and one she loved using against him, as he did the same with hers.

Camryn internally smirked, reaching under the hem of his sweatshirt to grab the ends of her skirt. His eyes hungrily followed her every move as she dropped her skirt onto the floor, dropping to the ground to pick it up in one swift movement. Sitting down in the chair, she laid back and tried to pretend that nothing was bothering her when in reality everything that happened earlier was still plaguing her mind.

And Jack, who knew her better than anyone, didn't know what else to do but watch her break.


LA was somewhere Jack knew well, but New York, that was Camryn's territory.

She'd put her skirt back on, woken Jack up, and led him off the plane by his wrist. "Okay, so things get really messy and chances are people are gonna try and come up to you, but stick close to me." Jack nodded, hiding a smile as the bossy Camryn he loves came out. He did as requested and walked so close to her they touched, not saying a word about the fact she was still in his hoodie.

"Baggage claim is up here," He'd started to get lost in the crowd, so without thinking, Camryn grabbed his hand and held it. A pleasant warmth filled them as they weaved through the airport, not even releasing one another when they grabbed their bags. "Oh, shit, move faster." Jack looked behind them at oncoming fans, tugging Camryn into a run through the airport that brought her into a fit of giggles. "Well, what do we do know?" He was panicking, and the nerves on his face made Camryn smile.

"Let momma handle this," Placing two fingers in her mouth, Camryn hailed a cab. Jack looked at her in awe, grabbing both of their bags and hurriedly putting them in the trunk. "Damn, that was hot." The words were supposed to be a mutter but she still heard them, bringing a smile to her face as they climbed in the back. Camryn leaned forward, telling the Cabbie her address. "Uh, where are we going?" Jack furrowed his brows since he hadn't even thought about it, even more confused when Camryn grinned at him.

"I've seen your place, now you get to see mine."


"This is amazing,"

Camryn and Jack stood inside her studio apartment that she'd fixed up completely from scratch. It even had one of those old elevators with the doors you had to pull shut. She'd worked her ass off, but since she got it for dirt cheap she was able to make it nicer with the money she earned at singing and smaller acting gigs. "Seriously, Camryn. It's absolutely gorgeous,"

Her heart swelled with pride as she put her suitcase and Jacks in the part that contained her bed. The apartment was all on one floor, the bottom level used for storage and as a garage. But basically, the only walls on the apartment floor were the bathroom walls, which meant you could see everything else from literally anywhere you stood.

"So... You wanna share the bed or?"

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