You Are The Reason

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CorbynBesson |

Camden Joseph Besson.

Your mom and I chose a name close to your Aunt's because you'll one day understand just how important siblings are in your life. 

Hopefully, your big sister won't beat you up too badly.

Tagged: @BeautyChickee | Liked by @WizardsOfAveryPlace and 1,028,429 others

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BeautyChickee |

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BeautyChickee |

Hello world, meet Camden Joseph Besson.

Tagged: @CorbynBesson | Liked by @JackAvery and 839,538 others

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To say that the Avery household was full right now would be an understatement. 

On top of their four children, Jack and Camryn were watching Charlotte for Corbyn and Christina. Then there was Elijah and Piper, who were also staying since Bailee was about to pop. Seven children, all under the age of ten. They loved kids, don't get them wrong, but seven, seven, was more than enough for one weekend.

"Hey! Leave your cousin alone, JC!" A twin on each hip, Camryn did her best to scold him without dropping a kid. JC giggled as he stopped pulling Charlotte's hair, running away from his mother. "Lavender! Grab him!" Lavender did as asked, jumping up from reading in the corner and wrangling her little brother like he was cattle. "Thank you, sweet pea." 

"How about Camryn and I sing you a song?" Jack entered the living room with a smile, pointing to the piano by the couch. Each and every child ran into the living room, Camryn sitting the twins on the ground where they were surrounded by pillows and blankets. "Lav, Eli, take a seat by bubba." He pointed over to JC where they sat on either side of him, the rest taking seats all over. 

Lavender ~ Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now