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Camryn Avery has been rushed to the hospital after she was attacked by her ex-boyfriend. Jackson West posted a picture of Avery on Instagram tied to a chair late last night. Cops were called to the location after Jack Avery, Camryn's husband, and the rest of his bandmates arrived. It's rumored that Jack shot Mr. West and is in critical condition. Camryn is also in critical condition after Jackson viciously stabbed and beat her. 

You're in our thoughts, Camryn. 

And to Jackson - Rot in hell. 


It felt like a bad dream.

As if Jack's fears had come to life, any regret or painful thought he'd ever had. Fifteen years ago Jack never thought he'd be married with five kids. But he did, he met the love of his life and had five beautiful children. Now he couldn't believe he'd ever thought of having anything or anyone else. Which terrified him. Almost as much as the fact that his wife was on a gurney, being wheeled into surgery.

"Sir, we need to know if she's a DNR?"

 Jack's head snapped up in disgust, Corbyn catching the look and stepping in. "No, we want any and all extraordinary measure's taken." The nurse nodded, rushing Camryn into surgery. An oxygen mask covered her mouth and nose, an IV already in her right hand. It killed Corbyn to see his sister like that, he loved her with everything he had. 

"Sorry that it took us so long," Zach, Daniel, and Jonah burst through the ER doors. All five boys had been cleared by the cops after hearing everything. Hell, one cop even said Jack had a nice aim for never having shot a gun. He didn't really care at this moment in time. "The SWAT captain wanted to know where we got Camryn's necklace so he could get one for his daughter." Normally it would've made them laugh but the situation was all too real.

"Jack!" Tate, Bailee, Christina, and Joey hurried into the waiting area. Zach's parents were watching Elijah, Piper, and Adalyn. Jonah's parents had William and Aria while Daniel's Mom and Dad were caring for Lennox and Grace. Which left Charlotte, Camden, Lavender, JC, Asher, and the twins with both the Avery's and the Besson's. "Where is she?"

Corbyn pulled the girls off to the side, explaining the situation. Christina wrapped herself around her husband, Tate doing the same with Jonah. Bailee collapsed in Zach's arms, sobbing quietly. Joey, on the other hand, looked as though she was going to be sick. Daniel guided her to the trash can in the corner, holding her hair back as she vomited. 

Jack stared ahead at the double doors Camryn had just disappeared through. Corbyn held onto Jack, walking them over to the section of chairs. "We, uh, should call Gabbie." Tate grasped Jonah's hand, saying they'd do it for him. Ashley, Jordan, Sydnie, Ava, and Isla all sprinted into the room, getting yelled at by a nurse. Three girls and one boy apologized to the lady, leaving one unexpected girl to glare. 

"Don't you yell at me, my sister was shot and I'll run if I want to." Isla Rose Stanford snapped at the severe-looking woman with a tight grey bun. She shocked everyone since they knew she was normally soft-spoken. If Camryn had been there she would've laughed, say she knew Isla had it in her. She also would've smiled over the fact Isla called Camryn her sister. Over ten years of marriage but some things still made you warm and fuzzy inside. "How is she?"

"Camryn's dying and it's my fault," The room went so silent that a pin dropping would've echoed like an atomic bomb. Jack almost passed out at the thought of his wife being cut open right now. He should've come in sooner before Jackson had stabbed her. He would've listened when she said he'd come after her. He could've saved her.

Should've, would've, could've.


* 4 Hours Later *

Nobody had moved, they hardly spoke, they barely even breathed while they waited. At some point, Jack had been given a miniature bottle of water that was still tightly clenched in between his hands. The plastic crunched a few times, scaring the nurse on each occasion. His eyes still hadn't left the OR doors.

Corbyn sat on one side of Jack, with Christina and his other two siblings following. Isla sat on the other, Sydnie and Ava ending that row of seating. Jack had turned his phone off three hours ago after an endless string of texts and calls. Logan Paul and Eben had joined at some point, Jack wasn't really sure when.

"Jack!" Gabbie pushed through the doorway with El and Josh. As soon as Gabbie had heard she called the couple and bought plane tickets. Oliver was watching both his daughter and their two children for the night. "Is she okay?" Jack stood for the first time in hours, guiding a pregnant Gabbie toward a chair. She was a few months along with a set of fraternal twins; one boy and one girl.

 Jack sighed, running a hand through his hair and shrugging. "I hope he dies," Gabbie growled, referring to Jackson. She frowned at Jack's defeated expression, pointing for him to look. "Jack, is that her doctor?" Corbyn and Jack were in front of the man in a lab coat before you could blink, bombarding him with questions.

"Mr. Avery, your wife was seriously injured by everything she went through. Almost all of her ribs were cracked, along with a fracture in her skull. Her jaw, left leg, and wrist is broken. She popped her hip and knee back into place before we got to her. And we've fixed all of that as much as we can, but there was a lot of internal damage. He hit her lung with a knife, causing it to collapse. She was also bleeding internally from her broken bones, and then her brain is swollen-"

"Good God, man. What aren't you saying?"

"Sir, your wife is in a coma and she might not wake up."


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