You Had One Job

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*Two Months Later*

*Two Months Later*

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Camryns.The.Besson |

It's been two months too long since we've seen Daddy.

We couldn't be more ready.

Tagged: @BaileeMads & 3 others | Liked by @JonahMarais and 1,023,428 others

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Camryn led Lavender into the Airbnb house they'd be staying in for the next week, trailing a suitcase behind them. "We're here, sweetpea! Do you wanna go to the beach?" She smiled widely at her daughter, tickling her sides. A heartswelling laugh tinkled from Lavender's lips, causing Camryn to join in herself. "I'll take that as a yes. Come on, let's go get Mommy's swimsuit on."

A few minutes later she was in a yellow bikini with Lavender wrapped in a wooly gray blanket. It was a rather breezy day on New Zealand's beach. A diaper bag, which was really a backpack, was strapped to Camryn's shoulders. Flip flops sinking in the sand, she carried Lavender out to the water where she laid out a towel to sit on.

"It's gorgeous isn't it?" Camryn realized she was basically talking to herself but it made her feel better to talk to her daughter even if she couldn't reply. Well, she could say 'Hi', 'Momma', and Dadda', but that was about it so far. Jack cried over Facetime when Lavender said Dadda for the first time.

"Just you wait, sweet pea. As soon as you get older Momma and Dadda will teach you how to swim. We'll even teach you how to surf," She didn't notice the shadow creeping up behind them until they finally spoke.

"I get the feeling I would be a very sucky teacher," Jack grinned down at his daughter and Fiancee. Camryn scrambled to stand without dropping Lavender, holding her daughter on one hip. She tossed a free arm around his neck, pulling Jack down to her. Stumbling in surprise, Jack clumsily kissed Camryn. He chuckled against her mouth, only pulling away when they needed to breathe. "God, I missed you both."

"We missed you more,"

"We missed you more,"

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Lavender ~ Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now