I Feel More Single Every Day

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"Look, I've seen it a million times, it's partially the reason we're here, so would you quit freaking out about me seeing your-"

"Fine!" Camryn burst out in laughter at Jacks exasperation, he laughed along from his place beside her. The door opened a few minutes later, a woman in her mid-sixties with graying red hair entering. She smiled kindly at the pair and walked over to the counter. 

"Hi, I'm Doctor Montgomery. It's nice to meet you," She shook Camryn's hand first before shaking Jacks, asking routine questions until she was ready to examine. "Mr. Avery, you can step out if you'd like? Most boyfriends do," Dr. Montgomery laughed a little, Jack simply sliding his hand into Camryn's. 

"Thank you, but Camryn's more than a girlfriend to me, she's the love of my life. And this is my baby so I'm gonna be staying if that's alright, princess?" Camryn hadn't smiled that widely in quite a long time, nodding in agreement. 

"Well, damn. I feel more single every day," The Doctor joked while starting to examine Camryn's cervix, Jack placing a kiss on the crown of her head. She squeezed his hand out of uncomfortableness, Doctor Montgomery apologizing to her. "Sorry, sweetheart. I know it feels weird," 

"Don't you dare, Avery." She knew him like the back of her hand. Jack shut his mouth with a tiny grin on his face, managing to get a small laugh out of Camryn. Their doctor managed a snicker while throwing away her gloves, smiling at the couple. "Everything looks great. Time for the ultrasound," 

"J, do you, um, want to know the gender when we can? Or wait?" He thought for a moment, running a free hand through his curls. She jumped in surprise when the wand started sliding across her stomach, receiving a small apology from the doctor. Jack waited intensely for the sound of his child's heartbeat, looking at Camryn with tears when he did.

"Princess, I want to know everything about our baby."


Camryn and Jack were grinning like crazed maniacs when they walked out, hands connected with eyes locked on her sonogram pictures. "Do you want me to drop you off at home and then I can run down to the boys and we can come to pick you up?" She didn't miss the way he called her house 'home', it made her heart flutter as she nodded.

"Okay, I'll see you soon, princess." He winked at her, pulling out of her driveway. Camryn waltzed inside to find El and Josh sitting in the living room, watching Scandal. She snorted at the view as they both turned to look at her with a smile. "Hey, sis. How's it lookin'?" Josh viewed her as his little sister, as did El. 

"See for yourself," Handing them the sonogram pictures, the eight weeks pregnant girl sat down. El squealed happily and hooked Camryn in a hug, Josh reminding her to be gentle with a chuckle. "Gosh, I'm so proud of you, Cam. I really am. Are you going to tell your family yet?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna drive down there in a second. I just wanted a minute with you guys, see how my godson was doing." El gladly talked about each milestone and when she thought the baby was gonna be born. Josh, who was truly interested, still found his eyes wandering back to look at the tv where Charlie and Quinn were talking. Camryn chuckled at the boy enjoying Shonda Rhimes even more than El, kissing the girl on her left cheek while bidding them a quick goodbye. "See you guys tonight, wish me luck!"

Camryn pulled up in her Jeep, honking the horn to avoid getting out. Corbyn, Daniel, Jonah, Jack, Joey, Zach, and Bailee all spilled from the house. Bailee and Zach along with Jonah all took the latter's car, Corbyn sitting in the passenger seat while Joey was in the middle of the back seats. Jack sat right behind Camryn, sneaking a kiss to her cheek when Corbyn wasn't watching. 

 "I know you're scared but I want you to know I'm gonna be here the whole way, okay?" Corbyn squeezed his sister's hand, bringing a smile to her lips. She'd just pulled into the apartment complex and was staring up at the building. 

"Thanks, little brother. Now, let's do this," Everyone climbed from both cars and knocked on the door to the living room everyone was told to be in. Families hugged each of their children, even Joey and Bailee. Camryn and Bailee glanced at each other, deciding to wait until everyone had their mouths full of pizza before talking. 

Camryn, however, couldn't eat the pizza seeing as it made her nauseous. Something her family noticed. "Cam, sweetheart, why aren't you eating? I got your favorite," Her mom tapped Camryn's hand from across the table, a small bout of panic surging through her. She glanced at Jack, giving her a warm smile and squeezing her knee under the table. 

"Well, um, I can't eat pizza."

Jordan furrowed his brows in confusion. "Why not? You love pizza," Camryn reached inside her sweatshirt pocket and pulled out her sonogram photos, her mom's eyes going wide before she even saw them. "Oh god,"

"I can't eat pizza because I'm eight weeks pregnant,"

Bailee and Zach nodded at each other, speaking before anyone else could get a chance to. "And Bailee's ten weeks along with my baby." Everyone at the table looked at each other, Corbyn grabbing his sister's hand. Eben and Caspary, tour members and close family friends, were the first to break the silence at the same time.

"Holy shit,"


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ZachHerron |

Bailee, when you told me the news last week I couldn't have been more scared and proud at the same time. I love you with all my heart and can't wait to start our little family together. #ParentsInTraining

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