Ready For That To Be Us?

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*Second Clip In The Video = Camryn*

*Second Clip In The Video = Camryn*

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BaileeMads |

She's convinced we're having a boy.

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson & 10 others | Liked by @ZachHerron and 1,093,201 others

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Blonde hair was messily flowing down her back, blue eyeshadow on her eyelids with a simple pink lipstick. The knee-length dress was an aqua color made of leather, plus zippers and buckles adorning it, with white lace sleeves and low v collar. A pair of black heeled booties with daisies in various shades of blue all over them finished off her look. 

Of course, the blue theme she had on was based on the fact she swore up and down Bailee and Zach were having a boy. It hadn't been announced to anyone but the gang that the gender reveal was going down tonight. People were bound to figure out something was gonna go down since they were only dressed in two colors; pink or blue. 

Jack was also dressed in multiple shades of blue and a white leather jacket Camryn planned on stealing later. Corbyn, Jonah, Zach, Eben, and a few others wore pink. Daniel, Joey, Bailee, and the rest wore blue. Joey and Daniel had a theory that because Camryn was also pregnant she had some sort of fifth sense about it.

In reality, she had no idea.

"New York! How're you guys doing tonight?" Camryn beamed from ear to ear, hearing all the different responses being shouted back at her. "I don't know how many of you know this, but I actually lived here for four years. So this feels a little bit like coming back home to me." She shook her head as tears sprouted, one of her backup dancers nodding at her. "Ah, anyway! It's good to be back and to do it with all of you. Enjoy the show!" The crowd roared louder and louder as Thumbs started to play.

Singing the entire time, Camryn moved her hips and strutted from the back to the front of the stage. Her hands crossed up in the air, moving insanely fast for a ten-week pregnant woman. Hip thrusts, twists, and even times where she'd bend over and snap back up again. Her knees spread against the floor, Camryn all but basically humped the stage. Glancing up so she could see backstage, Camryn makes eye contact with Jack biting his lip and watching her intensely.

She smirked at the stage floor, standing up and delivering her final verse. The crowd murmured amongst themselves at the sudden silence, Camryn glancing backstage once again to see Corbyn nod. "Alright, so we have a little surprise for everyone. Guys, come on out." Fans went nuts as everyone came out on stage, Joey and Bailee included. "You've probably noticed that we're all either wearing the color blue or the color pink."

"Well, my friends decided to reveal the gender of their baby tonight, not only to you guys but to themselves! So, here we go!" Pink and blue divided on the stage, Bailee and Zach standing side by side. August took his drumsticks and gave everyone a drumroll, the lights cutting out so everyone was standing in darkness. Camryn felt a pinch on her backside, hand swinging out to smack Jack on the chest. 

Then the lights came back on.

Blue fog rolled across the bottom of the stage, silver and blue confetti falling down on their heads. "It's A Boy!" stretched out in blue block letters on the screen behind them. Fans started screaming, Zach and Bailee embracing in tears. Everyone found someone to hug; Joey and Daniel, Jonah and Corbyn, Eben and August. Camryn and Jack turned to each other by instinct, throwing herself in his arms as he spun her around. 

"You ready for that to be us?" Jack whispered in her ear, setting her down gently. She smiled, a few stray tears running down her cheeks. "More than you can imagine," Back to the crowd, he snuck a quick kiss onto her forehead. They both turned back to everyone, Camryn's smile faltering when she locked eyes with a familiar figure in the crowd who'd watched the whole interaction. 



Camryn tapped her foot impatiently, walking around the outside of her trailer while waiting. She'd told a security guard to bring her ex to her a few minutes ago. To put it simply, Camryn was terrified. "You know, when Gab' told me you were screwing your way to the top I didn't believe it. Now I know it's true."

Air dispersed from Camryn's lungs at the voice coming from behind her, slowly turning with her heartbeat in her ears. Jackson stood there with his sickening smirk, leather jacket, and jeans. Just looking at him made her regret allowing him back to see her, especially with a baby in her belly. "I'm assuming by Garb' or whatever pathetic little nickname you just said you mean Gabbie. Unsurprising, really."

"You're one to talk, messing around with a guy behind your brother's back is one thing. But getting knocked up is truly a new level of stupidity." He stepped even closer to her, Camryn's hand involuntarily going to her stomach. Jackson grinned grossly at the fact she confirmed his suspicions. 

"Thank you, Jackson, truly. But you know nothing about me or any of my family. So I'm gonna need you to leave-" She cut herself off as the boys, Joey, and Bailee appeared behind Jackson. Corbyn glanced between them, Jack taking a protective stance. 

"Is this why you weren't telling us who the father is? Because it's this asshole?" Jackson smirked at Camryn, turning to look at Corbyn. He stood by Camryn's side, tossing an arm around her shoulders. She flinched slightly, Jack's anger skyrocketing. "Why? It's not like you can do anything if it's my-"

"You're gonna want to take your hand off her before I shove it up your ass." Jackson implying the kid was his had finally made Jack snap. Everyone except Camryn and Jackson was surprised at his outburst, the abusive boy pulling her in closer. "What's it matter to you, curly fry?" Jack and Camryn locked eyes, instantly knowing what had to be done. 

"I'm going to say this one last time," Daniel and Jonah both looked at each other in anticipation, eyes the size of the moon. Joey and Bailee took a small step back from what was sure to be a blood bath. Jack kept his eyes on Jackson's arm the entire time, slowly walking closer and closer. 

"Step away from Camryn and my child."

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