Lennox James Seavey

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JoSeavey |

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JoSeavey |

Lennox James Seavey.

I can't wait to watch you grow up into the amazing man your father is.

Tagged: @DanielSeavey | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 1,092,482 others

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DanielSeavey |

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DanielSeavey |

Lennox James Seavey, my world.

I'm so proud of your Mom for going through countless hours of labor to give us the best gift possible.

Tagged: @JoSeavey | Liked by @JackAvery and 2,038,582 others

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WhyDontWeMusic |

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WhyDontWeMusic |

Joey, Daniel, and Lennox James Seavey.

Congratulations, you two, on this adorable little boy.

Tagged: @JoSeavey & @DanielSeavey | Liked by @WizardsOfAveryPlace and 2,038,583 others

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