Lizzo Was Right

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WizardsOfAveryPlace |

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WizardsOfAveryPlace |

I think we all know by now what my favorite color is

Tagged: @JackAvery & @AveryFamilyTravels | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 2,108,472 others

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JackAvery |

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JackAvery |

Camryn took me on a winter weekend getaway

My Wife > Yours

Tagged: @WizardsOfAveryPlace & @AveryFamilyTravels | Liked by @BeautyChickee and 2,109,842 others

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CorbynBesson |

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CorbynBesson |

Ride or die?

In all honesty, we came pretty close to death on the slopes

Lavender ~ Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now