McLennon: Puzzle Pieces

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John luges the homemade wooden sled up the snowy hill, his nose felt numb from the cold. He sleds down the hill, "Dashing through the snow!" he bellows out laughing, "With a belly full of rum!"

He sees someone standing on the hill, "Get the fuck out of my way!!"

John barely stops in time before he crashes into a baby face young man, John blushes more, "Oh.."

The younger man rubs his neck face rosy from the cold, "You okay?"

"I should be asking you that!" John laughs, "I almost hit you!"

The baby face man laughs, "Yeah.. I'm Paul McCartney."

John stuck a gloved hand out, "John Lennon."

"Why don't you come inside and get some hot coco?" Paul offers him.

John didn't know why but he follows Paul inside the cabin and accepts the cup of hot coco.

"Mm, thanks, Paul."

Paul nods sitting down, "You here on vacation too?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" John asks softly.

"I know a Liverpool man when I see one." Paul laughs sitting down across from him, "So is this place nice?" John asks finally starting to warm up.

"I've been here a few odd years, once with my late wife on our honeymoon and once with my dog Martha."

"Oh," John says softly, "So you're a widower?"

Paul nods his eyes seem filled with sadness now, "I've dated a few times since her passing."

John nods and looks down at his mug of deliciousness, "I am looking for a new partner."

Paul cocks a brow, "And you think a stranger you almost mowed down with a sled is the perfect match?"

"I'm mean look at you. Handsome with a charming personality what more could a guy ask for ya know?"

Paul blushes he looked so cute, "You think I'm some bird that you can just flirt with and win over with your charm. I'm a dignified man."

John smirks watching Paul closely, "I still want to take you on a date. And wow those pants off of you."

Paul blushes and giggles, "You really are a interesting man." he takes a sip from his mug and relaxes.

"So is this a yes to the date then?" John asks grinning looking like his school boy self again.

Paul pretends to think about it, he looks at John's warm brown eyes and practically melts, "Yes. Let's go on a date."

John bounces and kisses his hands, "I'll treat you well!!"

Paul gives John a funny look, "You better."

John giggles and goes in to kiss him, Paul pushes him away, "I'm not ready to."

John nods and finishes his drink off, "Well can this pretty boy get this handsome man's number?"

Paul smiles and gladly writes his number down for John and the young man leaves Paul for the day.

They go on many dates afterward and even back home in England, but still no kiss. John was worried he was doing something wrong maybe he was rushing things. He didn't know what he was doing wrong. Then John crashes his bike trying to show Paul how cool he was, he was muddy and scrapped up.

As Paul looked down at his muddy boyfriend that's when it truly hit him. He loves this idiot so much that his heart longed for him, after cleaning up John and patching him up, Paul kisses him a soft gentle kiss full of love and passion. John was practically fainting as Paul kissed him, it felt like spark flying he felt like a school boy having his first kiss, he holds onto Paul tightly like he might just vanish and disappear into the wind.

They break away for air and Paul rests his head on the older man's chest panting softly, "I-I love you." Paul tells him in a whisper, this was the first time Paul told John he loved him.

Of course John told Paul countless times he's loved the younger man, but Paul could never say it back too scared to, too worried to. John kisses Paul again with just as much love and passion as their first kiss was. Paul lays on the bed patting a spot next to him, "Come on, Johnny. I need some cuddles."

John plops down and cuddles him real nice like. He kisses the top of Paul's head and mummers sweet words to him in his ear, Paul relaxes and lays in his embrace. The couple watch cheesy rom-coms on the TV forgetting about life's worries and just focused on getting to know each other better.

"I like cornflakes and cream." John tells him as a commercial for cornflakes plays, "My nana use to make it for me all the time as a boy."

"Mm, my favourite food is mashed potatoes." Paul hums kissing him on his nose.

John squeals happily and loves on him he was much more relaxed around Paul than anybody else. John couldn't be anymore happier with Paul those two fit each other like puzzle pieces. They complemented each other, and John was just happy to have Paul as his partner.

They couldn't have enough of each other it was pure love between the two. And when they were sitting on the couch in their shared farmhouse, John looks over at Paul and sighs happily, "Hey princess?" John calls softly watching as Paul finishes up the book he's been reading.

"Yes?" Paul asks looking up at him.

"C-Can we get married?" John asks shyly.

Paul freezes he makes his way over to John graceful like cat he made his way over. His hands touch John's knees his dark eyes meet John's warm brown ones. It seemed like time was frozen between the two and John felt like he was about to be in trouble.

"Yes," Paul says softly, "Yes, let's get married."

John squeals and kisses him letting the roughness of Paul's beard caress his face.

John was the happiest around Paul, he loved Paul to bits. And now they were getting married. They completed each other like perfect puzzle pieces and the two couldn't have it any other way.

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