Service Dog - Tommy (pt 2)

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The story of Phil adopting Tommy.

Tommy's P.O.V

Things at home were only getting worse. My parents were getting more and more violent having no regard for my mental and physical illnesses. I began to stream less and less because of the bruises, I knew this was worrying some of my friends but I couldn't tell them about it. They already worried about me enough as it was. I didn't need to take up any more of their time.

It was midday and I had just received one of the worst beatings in my life. After beating me senseless my parents threw me outside and told me I couldn't go back till it was dark. I was so thankfully for the phone in my pocket and Bailey's plastic harness handle in my hand. If I didn't have them I wouldn't know what to do. I stumbled my way to the park, avoiding people, and collapsed under a tree. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't breathe. My hands reached up, tangling in my hair and my breaths came rapid and choked, it felt like someone had pushed me underwater with a heavy stone on my chest and I was only allowed to breathe through a broken straw. While one hand tugged at my hair, the other began to scratch at my leg, drawing blood. Bailey gently pushed my hand away with her nose licking it. She sat down and began to paw gently at my shoulder, asking for me to lie down. I followed her orders and lay down as she sat over me placing her paws against the middle of my ribcage, this would allow me to focus on what was really there and actually breathe. 

As the panic attack began to subside, Bailey lay down placing her head on my stomach. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Phil was calling. I answered without thinking. "Hey Tommy," Phil said.

"H-Hey," I answered back, my voice shaky and uneven, it was easy to tell I'd been crying. 

"Woah, Toms are you okay?" Phil asked, he switched the call to a video call and I accepted without thinking again. Immediately the bruises were noticeable, my lip was split and the was a cut below my eye.

"What happened? Where are you?!!" 

"I-I...god Phil...they keep saying th-they'll stop but they w-won't..." 

"Who Tommy?" 

"M-My parents..." 

"Oh my god. Oh shit, No, Tommy. Where are you? Can you send me your location?" I went into my phone and sent a ping of my location to Phil. 

"Okay, I know where that is. Is Bailey with you?" He asked. 

"Y-Yeah she i-is." 

"Okay good, I'm on my way to you. Just stay there, stay sat down. I'm gonna get Wilbur to call you. I'll be there in a second honey." 

The call ended and almost immediately it popped up that I had an incoming call from Wilbur. I accepted it quickly and as soon as Wilbur saw my face he teared up, covering his mouth with his hand, "Holy shit, I'm so sorry Tommy, how long have they been doing this?" 

"My whole life but they've only gotten worse recently." 

"Okay, Phil and I are on our way to pick you up okay? For now, just talk to me. Hey, you turn 13 in two days don't you?" 

"Y-Yeah, you remembered." 

"Of course I did!" 

We spoke for another 15 minutes before their car pulled up. Both Wilbur and Phil jumped out running over to me. They both knelt down beside me and Wilbur gently took hold of my chin, moving my head to face them. Phil's face softened when he saw the blood, the bruises and the tears in my eyes. "Oh, Tommy." He cooed, "C'mon let's head back to mine and we'll get you all cleaned up." Phil carefully helped me to my feet. I held Bailey's lead in my left hand before taking a stumbling step on shaky legs. Wilbur immediately held me as pain ricocheted through my leg. "Ah," I groaned in pain.

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