The blip Pt.1

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T/W slight blood mentioned (as a thought) 

 Tommy's P.O.V

It had taken so long to convince my parents that letting me go to America was a good idea. Tubbo talking to them (after coming back) helped out a lot as he had had a good time and met Dream and Sapnap before so he was able to tell my parents about them being responsible and able to look after me. 

Dream had been the one to tell me that I didn't have a choice anymore and I needed to go to see him. He had seen Tubbo but he wanted to meet me in person which was incredible to me. Dream and Sapnap were just as much brothers to me off-camera as Wilbur was on and off too. I guess people automatically assumed that because in lore we hated each other, it meant that we hated each other in real life too but it was the complete opposite. If anything it made us closer. After every lore stream, Dream would pull me into a different call to check if I was okay and then boast about how 'his little brother' was so good at acting. Sapnap would soon join us, inviting us to play a game with him (which we would happily agree to) and then the three of us would spend most evenings together, other people joining and leaving as they pleased. It was always entertaining to hear Karl join the call and see how Sapnap changed instantly to be really sweet. Dream and I always teased him afterwards but I knew we both calmed down a little when Karl joined too. 

So Dream and Sapnap booked the flights - as I had no idea what I was doing - and called me whilst I was packing for the trip, watching as I hastily shoved my belongings into the suitcase with excitement and then making me take it out and fold it appropriately. I had been waiting for the day that I would get to see them for months and finally, finally it had arrived. 

My dad was the one to drop me off at the airport, lugging my suitcase out of the car and my rucksack, slinging it over his shoulder as he guided me inside, explaining what would happen. See, I had never been on a plane before, or even to an airport but my dad had travelled a lot as a kid, his parents constantly moving due to their jobs. He had loved the adventure and I knew he had done a lot to help convince my mum to let me go by myself. There had been a lot of "We can't let him go by himself!", "He doesn't know what he's doing!", "He's younger than Toby though," "Neither of us will be with him what if-"... there had been a lot of what if's. Tubbo's dad had been with him but my parents couldn't get the time off of work so I would be travelling solo. I think that was probably what made my mum so nervous. It scared me a lot too. 

My dad had literally made me go through a god damn WikiHow of getting through an airport before I had even thought about going so I thought I was reasonably prepared.

STEP 1: Purchase your plane ticket in advance.

I did that with Dream and Sapnap's help.

STEP 2: Pack your bags, keeping in mind that you can only have one piece of luggage and a smaller, carry-on item with you onboard the plane

I had my suitcase, which I had made more recognisable by lacing the handle with some yellow ribbon I had gotten from Wilbur and my rucksack.

STEP 3: Arrive at the airport 2 to 3 hours before your flight's scheduled departure time.

We were 2 hours early, not wanting to be three hours early simply because my dad and I were both pretty impatient.

The rest had to be followed at the airport. We went to the check-in for my flight and followed all of the receptionist's instructions before making my way to the security point for my departure gate, letting them take my bags to be checked. Then I had to take off my shoes and walk through a metal detector machine. That was where I left my dad with the promise to message him when I was boarding the flight and when I got off. 

I walked through into the gate area, sitting down on one of the seat rows, glad that it wasn't too busy. The day would've gone very differently had there been more people and it would have gone badly. I just sank into the seat and started to message back and forth with Sapnap and Dream letting them know that the flight should start boarding in just a few moments.

I was right and barely 10 minutes later the gate agents announced boarding. I buried my phone in my pocket and made my way over to where everyone had lined up in front of a lady and a door leading outside. The lady took our boarding passes, checked them and then gave them back, ushering us through the door where another person lead us to the plane. I sent a message to Dream and my parents, letting them know that I was boarding then got onto the plane, searching for my assigned seat. E28. It was an aisle seat and I was glad that I wouldn't need to be stuck between two people. 

The thing was, on such a good day I should have expected something to go horribly wrong. Of course, I overlooked my awful luck and decided to sit back and relax for my first ever flight.

It took 9 hours before a voice over the intercom told us that we were to put on our seatbelts as we would start to descend into the airport. Obviously, I listened as I wanted to see Dream and Sapnap and would rather not have my blood staining the ceiling of the plane before I got to see what America was all about. I had gotten rather jealous of Tubbo and the stories he was telling me from his visit and I wanted to see some of the people that he had gotten to meet. 

I felt the plane beginning to descend, a slow but sudden dropping that made me feel slightly nauseous. I could barely see out of the window across the aisle and things - other than a vast blue - began to come into view. Then there was a jolt, unexpected, fast. Not very fun but hey, it was probably just turbulence, right? Definitely. 

When the screaming began, I wasn't so sure. 

I'm gonna do this as a series but with some shorter chapters. Let me know what you think so far.

I wrote this in 2 hours so it's not great and I haven't checked it but I have the first part of the plot planned out!

Leave requests here.

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Take care

love you guys

 - Bee :]]

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