The Blip pt.3

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T/W Injuries and Hospitals

Sapnap's P.O.V

A spark of hope lit up in my chest and I ran down the main corridor towards where the shout had come from. There were three people leaning over a body that was curled over in a chair. A mop of familiar blonde hair came into view, matted with blood someone was carefully feeling along the length of his spine, searching for any obvious damage. "We need to get him out of here now, the engines are exposed and they will either blow up or the fire will get to us first." Someone said. I crouched down beside the seat, looking at where Tommy's face was resting against the seat in front of him, blood dripping down the side of his face, off of his chin and onto the floor below. "Alright, there's no visible back or neck injuries but I can't be sure." 

"We just need to get him off the plane, now!" 

"I'll take him," I found myself speaking up, "I know him." 

The 1st person guided me into lifting Tommy in the safest position possible and I made my way over to the ladder. There was no way I would be able to get him down it by myself. Thankfully, at that moment, a couple of standby paramedics came rushing out through the door, wheeling a gurney behind them. One of the people that was helping me made their way down the ladder, calling the paramedics over and gesturing for them to help. Soon two more people were at the top of the ladder, helping to manoeuvre Tommy down to the ground. Within seconds, he had been strapped to a gurney and was being wheeled into the terminal. "Does anyone have any information on him? A name, for example?" 

I stepped forward, "His name is Thomas Innit, he's 17 and he's from England. He only came here to visit." 

"Alright, are you related to him?" 

"No, but I'm the closest person here for him at the moment." 

"Okay, we're taking him to Orlando main, if you want to meet us there." 

I nodded, stepping away from the plane where more bodies were being dragged off. All lifeless. Tommy's chances began to look less and less hopeful.

I followed the paramedics through the airport out to where they had the ambulances. Tommy was loaded into the back and they quickly pulled out of the parking space, rushing to the hospital. 

I wasn't sure what to do. On one hand, I really wanted to get in my car and drive straight to the hospital so that I could be with Tommy but on the other hand, what would happen to Dream. What if he came back and I wasn't there? Plus, I would've taken the car so he wouldn't have a way to get home. But, Tommy was the top priority for me. I had to look after him. I didn't if Dream would be coming back, but I knew that Tommy was still with me so... it just made sense to go with him. I decided I would message Dream's number so that if he did come back from wherever the fuck he went, he would know what was happening.

<Sapnap> Dream? I don't know where you are or what's happening but please, if you get this, tell me that you are safe. Tommy's plane crashed, apparently the pilot and co-pilot were two who also disappeared. Tommy is the only survivor but he's in a bad way. I'm taking the car to the main Orlando hospital to see him. Please, if you get this, message me back.

Pulling the keys from my pocket, I broke into a sprint, running to my car and climbing into the driver's side, giving myself a second to breathe before putting the key in the ignition. 

The roads were crammed, abandoned cars blocking the way and people, frantic to get to their loved ones, were swerving dangerously around them. It was a sure-fire way to get into a car accident but I didn't care. All I could think about was the fact that I needed to get Tommy. He needed me and I wasn't about to disappoint him.

What should have been a 10-minute drive turned into 30, then 40 but eventually, I pulled into the parking lot, rushing through the main doors and over to the main desk. "How can I help?" The receptionist asked.

"I'm here to see Thomas Innit, he was brought in almost an hour ago after a plane crash," I said, stumbling over my words in the haste to get them out.

"Alright, one moment." 

She tapped at her keyboard a few times, reading quietly from the screen and mumbling under her breath as she went.

"Can I ask your relation to the patient?" 

"I'm the closest thing he has here. His parents are in England if they haven't disappeared too." 

The receptionist sighed, "That...that makes sense. I can tell you that Tommy is currently in an operating theatre. I can't tell you much about the surgery as it isn't on his file yet but it is an emergency case. That's all I can tell you. I'll let you know as soon as I get more information but for now, you have to wait in the waiting room." 

I felt my hands curl into fists, nails digging into my palms. I knew I shouldn't have been mad but I was. Well, not quite, I was confused, rather, and that confusion had slowly turned itself into anger. I didn't understand why people were going missing, why Dream had disappeared right beside me, why the plane had crashed and why Tommy had gotten hurt. It just made me so pissed at the world. I sunk down into one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs, gripping the sides of the seat so hard it hurt. All I could do was wait.


It took 4 hours. 4 long hours, of sitting in a waiting room stuck in my own head for a doctor to call for me. "Anyone for Thomas Innit?" She called. I was on my feet in seconds, rushing over and rocking on my heels impatiently. "Hello, so, Thomas has gotten out of his surgery and is in a patient room. There's..." She trailed off slightly, my heart beating erratically.

"They did everything they could but there were some things that couldn't be fixed. Thomas' right leg was broken beyond repair, both his tibia and fibula were completely shattered. The only option was to amputate." 

I couldn't stop the quiet gasp that left my lips, making the doctor pause for a moment, giving me time to process that information. "Asides from that, his left leg, and most of his right arm are also broken. Both should heal perfectly with time. He had several lacerations that needed to be stitched and a lot of bruising but that will fade over time. For now, you can come and see him." 

She turned on her heel, waltzing down the hall with a practised calm about her as if she hadn't just told someone that the person they viewed as a little brother had just had their leg amputated. As if people hadn't randomly started disappearing only to stop moments later. It was just as frustrating at the lack of acknowledgment as it was comforting. She was a professional and the fact she wasn't showing any worry made me want to relax but whilst I remained within the white walls and cold hallways, I would be on edge. I had always hated hospitals, just as much a place of recovery as it was one of death and mourning. A place where life was taken and gifted. A place I avoided at all costs.

The doctor took me to a room at the end of a hall, a pale yellow covering the walls to symbolise the yellow ward. Room 167. This was it.

"He should be sleeping for a while until the anaesthetic wears off anyway," She said, "Try not to be too loud and press the emergency call button for help." 

I nodded in gratitude, watching as she made a quick pivot on her turns, walking back down the hallway we had just come from. Turning back to the door, I paused. I didn't know what Tommy would look like. Even after the doctor had told me his injuries, I was scared. It didn't matter. I had to make sure he was okay. Taking a deep breath, I reached out a hand, twisting the handle and letting the door swing open.

Sorry for the cliffhanger! It was my first day back at school and I'm already over it. I can't be bothered.

Please give me ideas for this story!

Other requests here.

1465 words

love you guys

take care

- Bee :]]

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