Trouble On New Years Eve - SBI

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 Following on from 'No one likes you'. Where Tommy was abused and is now living with Sleepy Bois Inc.

Tommy's P.O.V

It was new years eve. The night had been going so well and I was happy in the company of my family. However, things just had to go wrong. Phil was in the kitchen making some food, Wilbur and Techno were playing some game in the living room and I was just walking between the two, sometimes talking to Phil, sometimes talking to one of my brothers. I should've realised earlier that it was New Year's Eve so of course there would be fireworks, I should've been somewhat prepared but I completely forgot. So when the first loud bang echoed through the night I turned and ran up to my room. I shut the door behind me as more loud noises boomed. Running to the corner, I slid down the wall, brought my knees to my chest, covered my ears and began to sob quietly. 

All I could think about was my father, throwing things at me, hitting walls, punching things, punching me. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't breathe. 

Help me.

Wilbur's P.O.V

I noticed Tommy had stopped walking around but figured he'd just gone to sit down with Phil. I continued playing my game with Techno thinking nothing of my little brother's sudden absence. 

Then Phil came in, telling us that dinner was ready. "Hey, I thought Tommy was with you?" He said.

"No, I thought he'd gone to sit with you? He probably went upstairs or to the bathroom. I'll find him." I replied. I ran up the stairs knocking first on the bathroom door. No one was in there. Then I saw Tommy's door was closed so I walked there. Raising my fist, I went to knock but stopped when I heard something on the other side of the door. I quiet muffled sob. That's when it hit me. Fireworks and Tommy. Oh shit. I pushed the door gently open and saw Tommy, knees to chest in the corner, crying against his arms and struggling to breathe. "Tommy," I said softly, so he knew I was there. "Toms, it's okay it's just me." 

"W-Wilby?" He whimpered.

"Yeah love, it's me. Can I touch you, Tommy?" 

He was hesitant but nodded. I knelt down in front of him and took his hands. "Tommy? Is it the fireworks?" 

He nodded again, "'s too loud Wilby...m-make it stop." My heart broke. 

"Oh Tommy, c'mere." I opened my arms, and he flung himself into my embrace letting me hold him. "It's okay, I've got you. You're safe, I promise, nothing can hurt you here." 


"I promise." I pressed a brotherly kiss to his temple, rocking us both gently from side to side, hoping it would calm him a little. 

I guess after a while Phil must've gotten worried and come up to check on us because the door opened and I saw him stood there. He looked confused and concerned, which was completely understandable when one second your kids seem fine and then the next you find your youngest, visibly upset in the arms of your oldest. Phil joined us on the floor, that was when I realise that Tommy had fallen asleep. "What happened?" Phil asked quietly.

"It was the fireworks," I replied, "Came in and found him crying in the corner. I think he's carrying more trauma than we realise." 

"Yeah, I know, he's worried that he'll be judged for it."

I picked Tommy up and carried him downstairs, laying on the sofa with him. Techno and Phil sat around us, keeping a watchful eye on the youngest. Tommy woke up an hour later, curling closer against me, as I ran my hands through his hair. "Hey, Tommy," I whispered, "You feeling any better?" He nodded. 

"Tommy, it's almost midnight, almost the new year. I just want to say. I'm so glad that you're here with us. You deserve the world."

He smiled, "I'm glad I'm here with you too. Thank you. For saving me." 

"We love you." 

"I love you all too." 

I have no idea where I was going with this story but I hope it was okay!!!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and new year. 

Look after yourselves!!!

Love you all

720 words

- Ace O 

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