You got this - Tommy

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Trigger warning. Blood and Injury (mild).

Techno's P.O.V

Tommy had been begging me to train him for months and finally I gave in, agreeing. I took some wooden practise swords from the shed in the garden and took Tommy with me to a clearing in the woods. The boy was clearly excited bouncing slightly as he walked, a happy look on his face. 

When we arrived at the spot, I handed him the sword teaching him how to hold it properly. "Here, Tommy, watch me. You place your thumb over the top like this and then wrap the rest of your fingers around here." I said, demonstrating for him. He was always quite a visual learner. He mimicked my actions, still slightly off. I carefully adjusted his hand positioning. "There, that's good!" 

"Am I doing it right?" He questioned, "Can we actually fight now?" 

I gave a low chuckle, "Yeah, I'll teach you how to spar. Wilbur showed you the footing right?" Tommy nodded. "Okay, raise your sword, point it straight at me. You're going to take a step forward and I'm going to block you with my sword. Don't be afraid of hurting me or yourself, it's a wooden sword so the worst it'll do is give you a bruise or splinter."


We started off easy, making small movements, nothing too big or dangerous. Just some simple sword fighting. By the time the sun was starting to set, Tommy was actually pretty good at close combat. I wanted to teach him how to shoot a bow soon but first, he needed to be comfortable with a sword.

When we got home, I sent Tommy to bed after eating some food, telling him he needed an early night if he wanted to be up early for training.

The next morning, I decided that Tommy was ready to use an iron sword. I gathered up supplies and walked back to the clearing. It was the second day of training so to begin the session I went over the basics that we had done in the first session. This time with sharper swords. 

"Okay, now we're going to try some full-on dualling. If you need to take a break or stop for any reason just shout and let me know okay?" He gave a curt nod, wrapping his fingers around the hilt of his sword.

We began to fight, back and forth and back and forth. I raised my sword above my head, preparing to deliver an overhead attack but Tommy parried my move with the forte of his sword. While our swords were pushed together, Tommy lifted his leg and kicked my stomach to send me reeling back. We were wearing chainmail chestplates beneath our shirt so it didn't hurt at all. "Good job Tommy!" I said, patting him on the back, "That was great! Do you want to try something a little harder?"

"Heck yeah!" 

"Okay, we're going to work on remises and ripostes." 

First, I showed Tommy the footwork, then the movements and then we started to test it. Beginning with the reposte, which is a counterattack. I made a lunge at Tommy and Tommy had to strike back using a lunge or a parry. Although I would never admit it out loud, the kid was a natural. He was good at every move I taught him until it came to the remise. A remise is a second attack after parrying the first. Tommy was good at it until I tried to get him to do a specific attack. He couldn't twist his arm quick enough and meet my attack. In a fight, he would die. 

I could tell he was getting frustrated. Each time he failed the move he would sigh to himself murmuring under his breath about how he could do it, he just needed to try harder. He twirled his sword in his hands trying to keep his anger under control. "Hey, Tommy?" I said gently, "You're doing great! Here, let me show you." I stood behind him, taking his wrist and helping him to circulate it in the correct movement. "There... let's try it again." 

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