You don't have to do this on your own - Tommy (pt 5) Finale

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Warning: This story contains scenes of cancer . 

Tommy's P.O.V

Today was the day, I was having my surgery. I'll admit that I was terrified. I didn't want to have surgery but I knew that if I didn't then the pain would only get worse and I could die. I wasn't allowed to eat or drink for a while before the surgery. The surgery was a simple nephrectomy but I was still so scared. What if it went wrong? What if they messed up? What if -

"Tommy?" Wilbur's voice cut through my thoughts, "I know you're stressing out and that's perfectly normal but it's going to be fine. These people are professionals, they have done this a million times alright, you're safe." I nodded, leaning my head on his shoulder. 

"Yeah, I know that I'm just...a bit nervous." 

"That's normal Tommy, it's your first surgery-" 

"Second." I interrupted.

"Huh? When the hell have you had surgery before?" 

"I broke my leg when I was seven. My friends' parents signed all the forms and shit." 

"Right," Wilbur chuckled, "Why am I not surprised?" 

"Because he's a clumsy child," Techno said from his seat on one of the uncomfortable plastic hospital chairs. 

"I'm not a child!" I objected.

"Sure." Wilbur laughed.

The door opened and a doctor came in with a wheelchair. "Alright, everything's set up for your surgery. So I'll give you a minute or two, then come and get you." 

That's when the nerves really hit, I looked over to Phil trying to hide the overwhelming fear that was rising within me. Phil noticed though, nothing slips by him. He walked over and sat on the edge of my bed right beside me. "It's alright." He whispered, "I promise. We'll all be waiting right here, beside you, when you wake up." 

I nodded, "I th-thought Tubbo was gonna be here by now." 

"I know, he's running a little bit late but he'll be here by the time the surgery is done."


Phil and Wilbur helped me to move from the bed I was set on, to the wheelchair that the doctor had brought in. They each gave me a hug and Wilbur pressed a brotherly kiss to the top of my head. "I'm so proud of you." He said softly, "You're doing amazing." 

"Thanks, Wilbur," I murmured. I wouldn't let it show but it meant a lot to hear that, especially coming from him. The doctor came back into the room, "Are you ready?" She asked. 

"Yeah, I think so." 

"Okay, let get going." 

Phil's P.O.V

The surgery took a little longer than normal but all went well and a couple of hours later, Tommy was brought back into the room. He was still unconscious and we were told that he would be for a while. Constant messages were coming in from the group chat as everyone was worried about Tommy and wanted any updates that we had.

<Eret> Is he still in surgery?

<Phil> No, they just brought him back in. He's still asleep for now.

<Dream> Did everything go alright?

<Phil> Yeah, the surgery seemed to go successful but he'll need another MRI, later on, to be sure.

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