Justice - Tommy - Store Au

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T/W mild violence, abuse, minor panic attacks

Dream's P.O.V

It was common knowledge that Tommy had a rough family life so when George, Sapnap, Karl and I adopted him to live with us and away from his parents it wasn't too surprising. All of us felt protective over him, even others like Phil, Wilbur, Nikki and Eret felt the same. We hated seeing him hurt or upset so we would do anything in our power to protect him. 

It was a normal workday and I was sat in my office, talking to George and Sapnap, when there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" I said loudly. The door opened and Karl and Tommy were stood there. Karl's arm was wrapped around Tommy's shoulders, keeping the boy pressed to his side, and I could see Tommy was shaking, tear tracks staining his face.

"What happened?!" 

Tommy's P.O.V

I had been restocking some of the shelves when I heard two voices of people walking up the aisle behind me. I placed the last thing in its row before turning around to head back for my break. As I turned around, I saw the two people that I had been hearing before. My parents.

Crap, I had to get out of there. I turned on my heel to walk away down the aisle when I felt a cold hand grip my wrist - tight enough to leave bruising. I whipped around seeing my dad's cruel smirk, inches from my face. "Tommy -" He began.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to take a few steps back," I said, cutting him off yet trying to keep my voice even.

"Don't interrupt me!" 

"Sir, once again, I'm going to ask you to step back." 

"You don't tell me what to do!" 

I cried out feeling a hand meet my face in a rough motion, sending me reeling back. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." 

Another hit, this time to my chest, "I'm not going anywhere, prick." 

"Sir I-" 

"Shut the fuck up! No one wants you here. Don't you dare interrupt me again. You are going to come home with me and your mother and you are going to tell your friends that you lied. That you got into a fight at school and then wouldn't let us help you. You are coming home with us and you are going to be punished for all the trouble that you have caused." 


The last time he told me I was going to be punished was because the bus had run late and I had gotten home 3 minutes after my curfew. I had been locked in the cupboard for a week, only being allowed out for the bathroom or if I had passed out from dehydration. There was no food, no sound. Just an echoing silence that seemed to last forever, made worse by my extreme claustrophobia. 

He was going to hurt me. 

I saw someone that I recognised, turn the corner and come around the top of the aisle. Karl. I shot him a scared look and he understood immediately that something was wrong. Quickly, he made his way over. "Sorry sir, is there a problem here?" He asked.

"This boy here just started cussing at me for no reason!" 

"Right, sir, we take this kind of thing very seriously. I'll go and get our manager for you to report this." Karl grabbed my hand and lead me away, leaving my father speechless. "Who was that?" He asked once we were out of sight and hearing range.

"M-my parents." I stammered. Karl stopped in his tracks, turning to face me. 

"That was your- oh god Tommy, I'm so sorry." He pulled me into a hug as I began to sob. I thought I wouldn't have to see them again.

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