I took part in a Sidemen video (gone wrong) - Tommy

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T/W needles, car accidents, blood and injury

Tommy's P.O.V

I almost couldn't believe that it was really happening. I had been invited to record in a Sidemen video and they told me to bring a plus one. Wilbur was busy doing things with his band so I decided that George was worthy enough. The two of us arrived in London on Wednesday, making our way into Trafalgar Square to meet up with everyone. In the end, there was Tobi, Ethan, Josh, Vik, Randolph, Callux, Simon, Harry, Gib, George and me. It was really exciting as I had always wanted to take part in a video, especially one like this. The rules were simple. JJ (the 1st seeker) or anyone else he had tagged had to tag us for us to be out, the game had to take place over the span of two hours. We couldn't take any form of transport other than walking, but the seekers could get around by any means necessary. JJ would be tracking our phones so he had constant knowledge as to where we were. The final and main rule was that we couldn't leave the city of London or go inside of buildings. Easy enough, right? JJ was silent for a moment before shouting, "3, 2, 1, go!"

Josh, Tobi, George and I instantly took off, sprinting East towards Sky Garden while everyone else split into groups and ran in the opposite direction. We started to run South from Sky Garden until eventually, we reached the edge of the River Thames. That was where George and I finally decided to split off from Josh and Tobi as we wanted to head back to Sky Garden.

"Good luck, you've got this!" Tobi yelled.

I gave him a mock salute, before turning on my heel and running after George. Neither of us were particularly athletic so we wanted to find a place to sit down and wait it out. If we heard JJ then we would need a good escape route but that was more of a secondary thought. The two of us made our way into the park, climbing behind a row of bushes and sitting down on the ground, propping the camera up against a tree trunk. It was a reasonably good hiding spot, if JJ were to come for us, we would be able to hear him and see him long before he found us and because we were sat right up against the fence, we could always jump over it for a faster escape.

George and I sat together for an hour, every now and then getting up and moving around so that we wouldn't get pins and needles. We even ended up finding a black leather-bound bible, half-buried in the dirt. A couple of jokes later, we found ourselves walking out of the park, wanting to explore a little more and maybe find a bathroom. I left the bible on top of a traffic cone with the promise to come back and get it later.

Ending 1 - Hypoglycemia

It was as we were walking around that I noticed how tired and dizzy I felt. My lips felt numb and tingly and my whole body felt shaky and weak. It was only small at first but as we continued walking I knew that it would probably be a good idea for me to bring it up. Going into shock during my first Sidemen shoot was probably not the best thing to do. Not that I could help it obviously. Well, George looked like he was on a mission so I decided to stay quiet, at least, for as long as I could help it.

George's P.O.V

I had noticed that Tommy had fallen behind slightly, a definite lack of the normal enthusiasm coming from him but I just assumed that he was tired. He had mentioned earlier that day that he didn't really sleep from the excitement of today's video. I was planning on just walking until I saw and bench and then stopping there for a moment to decide what we wanted to do next but my plans quickly changed when a quiet voice came from behind me. "Hey, George," Tommy murmured, making me turn to face him. His face was completely devoid of colour, sweat lining his brow and body practically vibrating through tremors. How had he gotten so bad so quickly?!

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