Roses are Red, Silent as a Mouse - Tommy

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Your door was unlocked, 

I'm inside your house

T/W Home invasion, blood and injury

Tommy's P.O.V

It was another normal day, although, I shouldn't have expected anything different. It wasn't like the day was going to warn me or anything. I was up in my room at around 2 in the morning. A few people were sleeping but most of us were still awake. I could hear voices downstairs and some on the floor above me so it was obvious plenty of people were up and about. 

I had been editing a video for half an hour before leaning back in my chair rubbing my temples as I took note of the headache being to form. It was an easy decision to get up from my desk and make my way to the stairs, going to get a drink and maybe a paracetamol. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw Sapnap, Puffy and Karl, standing in the kitchen and Nikki and Eret sitting in the living room. Walking straight past them, to the sink, I filled up a glass.

"Hey, Tommy," Sapnap said, "How's editing going?" 

"Alright, just getting kind of tired." 

"Fair enough, do you need anything?" 

"Na, I'm just gonna drink something and then get back to it." 

"Okay, well, I'm gonna head up to bed now." 

I heard Puffy and Karl agreeing as I left and made my way back up to my room.

It was roughly an hour later that I took off my headphones, planning to just save my work and go to bed but I could still hear shuffling from downstairs. Curiosity got the better of me. I made my way out into the hallway and down the stairs, still hearing voices from above. I tried to figure out who it could have been in the living as everyone that had previously down had gone to bed. I had heard Puffy, Sapnap and Karl go up and Nikki and Eret had knocked on my office door to say goodnight so they were out of the question. Most other people would be sleeping unless maybe it was Dream? Or George? They normally didn't sleep till late, same with Techno and Wilbur. Turning towards the living room, where the noise had been coming from, I paused. There was no one there. I had thought for sure that the noises were coming from there. Maybe I had been wrong. Turning on my heel to leave, I paused. I could feel it before I heard him. 

The cold circle of a gun barrel being pressed against my back.

"Don't make a sound." A low voice whispered beside my ear sending a chill down my spine. An arm wrapped around my throat, hand-pressed over my mouth to keep me quiet. I stayed silent anyways. "Well, you've fucked this up hugely for me, but I guess I could get something out of this." The man fell silent for a moment, grip never faltering.

"Alright, I'm gonna take my hand away and you're going to yell for Dream to get down here. Then we'll have some bargaining to do." 

So he knew who we were. Great. I was being held for ransom in my own home. This was definitely how I imagined my night going. The hand that had been clasped over my mouth loosened, then fully pulled away but still, I said nothing. "Well?" The voice hissed, "Shout for him." 

I stayed silent. I didn't want to risk him.

The barrel of the gun was removed from my back. I felt it leave a split second before it hit me across the face, toppling me over. I would've lost my balance if the man wasn't still holding me up. Staring down at the floor, I watched as blood began to drip from my forehead, down my nose and onto the wooden floor. That was gonna be a bitch to clean. "I said shout for him." The man said voice raised slightly.

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