Trampolining...gone wrong???!! - Tommy

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Tommy's P.O.V

We had expected it to go smoothly. Just a normal vlog shoot and then we were going to go out and get food. 

It took an hour to get to the trampoline park and then another half an hour to watch the rules video and get our bands on. I was with George, Wilbur, Tubbo and Ranboo. It started off with us racing each other and challenging each other to do different things. Then came the 'stick it' challenge, which meant one person would do a trick then everyone else had to copy them and make sure that they stuck the landing. Things like backflips and front flips and back handsprings. I was doing really well which seemed to surprise everyone except Tubbo. Tubbo knew that I had done gymnastics for several years but quit when I started streaming. 

After a couple of rounds of 'stick it' we moved on to the giant foam pit seeing who could do the best trick into it. We decided to make a new competition, wanting to switch it up every now and then so I wouldn't lose focus. There was a long pool noodle which we lay over the foam pit and the aim of the game was to jump far enough that you made it past the pool noodle. First, it was a metre away from the trampoline, then 2, then 3, then 4 and eventually 5. 4 metres was hard enough but 5 metres (16.2 feet). That was almost impossible. Tubbo went first, landing on the line. Then Wilbur went landing about half a metre too short. George was third this time landing about a meter short as he just rag-dolled as soon as his feet left the trampoline. I was fourth. Stepping down onto the trampoline I tried to prepare myself for the jump taking a couple of small bounces before going into two big bounces making my way forwards to the edge of the trampoline. My knees bent and as I launched myself for a final time, I felt a distinct pop.

That wasn't good. 

I didn't really have much time to think about that though as I was too focused on not landing on my neck or anything. 

As soon as my body safely hit the foam pit, I was able to recognise the pain coursing through my leg. 

Wilbur's P.O.V

I watched as Tommy cleared the line before disappearing into the foam pit. He didn't resurface. I made my way to the edge beginning to get worried. "Tommy?" I said, "Tommy are you alright?" 

I was praying that he would pop his head up and laugh saying how it was a joke and then I would throw a foam block at his head and call him a little shit for scaring me. It didn't happen. I jumped into the foam pit only a little way away from where I could see the top of Tommy's head slightly peeking out, blond curls standing out against the grey and blue of the soft blocks, and began to move the foam bricks off of him. 

First I saw his face, his eyes were screwed shut, his face pale and his teeth biting down on his bottom lip. "Toms, what happened?" 

"My knee...god, it hurts Wil." 

"Shit, okay hang on." 

I moved more of the foam blocks away from him, uncovering the position he was in. His left knee was drawn against his chest and his hands were gripping at it so tight that his knuckles were going white.  "Alright, Tommy, we need to move you out of the pit, I'm gonna help you." 

"Okay, slow." 

"I will don't worry." 

 I slowly lifted him, taking most of his weight, as I pulled him out of the foam pit and to the side. "I'm gonna roll up your trouser leg, okay?" I said. Tommy nodded, looking away. I rolled up the grey jogging bottoms till they reached his mid-thigh. Shit. I knew Tommy had a low pain tolerance so I was hoping that it wouldn't be any serious something that ice and painkillers could quickly help but as soon as I saw the swelling and how out of place his kneecap was, I knew that that wasn't the case. "Holy shit," I murmured before realising that I should probably be trying to reassure him, "No, you're gonna be fine." 

George appeared behind us, a concerned expression on his face, Tubbo and Ranboo were walking over. "Is he okay? Never mind, holy shit." George exclaimed turning away after seeing Tommy's knee. I thanked God for the first aid training that I was forced to take back in college that went in-depth with dislocations, fractures and breaks. "Tommy, I need to relocate your knee before it does any more damage. It's going to hurt but it'll make it so much better." I said softly, kneeling down. There were no employees around as we had rented out the building and no employees were there. Well, the manager was in his office but we didn't want to bother him. "Tubbo and George, I need you three to brace him. Just...comfort him I guess, this is gonna hurt him. Ranboo can you call an ambulance, please?" I turned to the other three giving them an instruction. George and Tubbo sat on either side of Tommy while Ranboo walked off, phone in hand. I positioned my hands on Tommy's knee trying to ignore the soft whimpers that slipped past his lips. "You ready sunshine? I'll count you down. 3...2...1...go." 

I flicked my wrists watching as the bone slid back into place. Tommy yelped bringing his fist up to his mouth and biting down on it clenching his eyes shut. "It's back in place, it's in place, sunshine, it's over. I promise." I moved so that I could pull Tommy into my lap, holding him and shushing him gently. It was awful to see such a lively kid in so much pain and I could tell that he was trying to calm himself down and stop crying but to no avail. "The ambulance is on its way," Ranboo said, walking back over. I brushed a stray, golden curl out of Tommy's face, pressing a kiss to his temple, "You're okay sunshine." 

"'m sorry." He mumbled, voice shaky with the effort of holding back more tears. 

"Don't apologise, love, none of this is your fault." 

"But I ruined the rest of the day for you guys." 

This time it was George who answered, "No, Toms, you haven't ruined anything, I promise. It's awful that you got hurt but you haven't done anything wrong. This was an accident and we want to make sure that you're okay." 

"Thank you." Tommy sniffed. 

"No problem sweetheart." 

We spent the rest of the time (before the ambulance arrived) comforting Tommy and trying to distract him. 

When the paramedics came in they got Tommy into a wheelchair and brought him out to the ambulance. The rest of us got into my car and I drove to the hospital behind the emergency vehicle. 

1 hour passed before we were brought into a long hallway with several different cubicles in it. Right at the very end, Tommy was sitting on the edge of a bed. His leg was encased in a black brace with small metal parts on it. The doctor that had brought us there addressed us together.

"Alright, so, Thomas dislocated his knee and also tore his ACL which is a ligament in the back of your knee. For now, we will give you a care guide, some crutches, medication and the brace that you're currently wearing. Everything you need to know will be in the contents of that guide. For now, you're able to leave. Just get in contact if the medication isn't working properly or has any side effects." 

The doctor made their way back down the hall, off to fulfil some other task. I helped Tommy to his feet, handing him the crutches that had been leant against the wall while Tubbo grabbed Tommy's medication and care guide. I lead him out to my car letting George help him in. Tommy and I sat in the front while Tubbo, George and Ranboo stayed in the back. I brought everyone back to my house and we all ended up in the living room swaddled with blankets in front of the TV. A film was playing, illuminating the dark room giving it a cosy feel. Safe. Home.

I gave up halfway through

Also, this is like 4 hours late but fuck it.

As always requests here.

1440 words

take care

love you guys

- Ace O :))

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