They're gone - Karlnap + Eret + Quackity

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Karl's P.O.V

It was one of my worst nightmares to get bad news in live, to cry while streaming or to do something TOS. The first two sadly had to come true.

I was streaming with Eret and Quackity, playing some Minecraft and building random monuments when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I ignored it because obviously I was streaming and it would be rude to answer a call on stream. I continued to focus on the building before my phone rang again, this time Quackity must have heard it because he said, "Hey, is that your phone Karl? Are you gonna answer it?" 

Eret quickly added, "Yeah man, we'll entertain the stream if you want." 

"Umm," I hesitated, "Okay, sure." I took out my phone seeing that it was an unknown number and left the room, nervously answering. "Hello?" 

"Hello, is this Karl Jacobs?" 

"Um, yes it is." 

"Okay, this Carrickstowe hospital, I need to inform you of some bad news. Mr Jacobs you might want to take a seat." 

I ignored the request and instead pressed for more information, "What's going on?" I heard my voice waver as I spoke, the anxiety beginning to surface.

"Okay, well. Your parents got into a car crash along the A40 and I'm sorry but there were no survivors. They collided with a truck and died on impact." My hands were shaking as I slid down the wall, sitting on the cold wooden floor with my knees to my chest.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." I couldn't hear anymore, pulling the phone away from my ear and letting it drop to the ground. My fingers gripped my hair, tugging it slightly. A quiet sob left my lips. All of my roommates were out so I didn't need to worry about them hearing me crying. That's when I remembered my stream was still going. I picked my phone back up and sent my Twitch log in details to Eret along with the message that said - Hey, Eret, can you log into my twitch account and end my stream for me. Please, I can't go back in.

Immediately he messaged back.

- Of course man. Don't warry, I'll let you know when it's off. Do you want me to tell them it's ending or say nothing and we pretend it died?

- Say nothing please x

- Okay, it's off, Quackity's gone so if you want to talk?

I walked back in and sank down into the office chair, sliding my headphones over my head.

"Karl?" I heard Eret say. Instantly I broke down, sobbing into my hands drawing long painful breaths

"Oh Karl, it's okay, breathe, I need you to breathe." 

I did as Eret asked and closed my eyes leaning back and coughing a couple times to clear my airways. My throat felt tight and my chest was aching, in a way I hadn't felt since I was 15 and my depression had reached its peak. Slowly but surely, I was able to breathe again. 

"Karl, do you want to tell me what happened?" 

"M-my parents... E-Eret, they d-died..." 

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry Karl," 

I loved Eret, honestly I did but all I wanted in that moment of time was my boyfriend. 

"S-Sapnap..." I whimpered.

"You want Sap?" 


"Okay, hang on, I'll get him to join." 

Sapnap's P.O.V

I was sat on my sofa, eating some lunch when my phone went off. 

Messages from Eret-



Something really bad happened and he's not okay.

Join general VC

Quickly I joined the general chat. I could hear quiet sniffles from Karl's mic. "Sappy?" He whispered.

"Yeah, I'm here love. What's going on?" 

"M-my parents...they're d-dead." He whimpered.

I grabbed my car keys and ran out the door, still talking into the phone. "Karl, I'm so sorry, it's going to be alright though, I promise, just breathe." 

It took me 10 minutes to get to Karl's, the entire time I was talking quietly to the younger boy. I used the key that Karl had given me to get inside, walking straight to his office after taking off my shoes. Walking over, I spun around his chair watching as his watery eyes lit up a little when he saw me. Immediately, he reached his arms out, akin to a child, and I gave him what he so desperately needed, comfort. I lifted him out of his seat, his legs wrapping around my waist, as I held him to my chest, rocking us gently. One of my hands rubbed slow circles on his back, the other rested on the back of his head. He sobbed dismally against my shoulder, shaking in my arms. "I love you, Karl." I cooed, "It's gonna be okay." We stood like that for a little while, before I knew Karl was tired. I carried him up the stairs and into his bedroom, setting him down on the bed. He kept his hand curled around my sleeve as if he thought I would disappear. I lay down beside him, pulling the covers over us and holding him close. Karl's eyes closed and his head came to rest on my chest. "Sappy?" He murmured sleepily.

"Yes, love?" I replied, running my fingers through the youngers hair.

"I love you." 

I smiled.

"Love you too Karl." 

Today was strange. It was probably the best day of the year for me. I went out with 4 guys, 1 was my boyfriend. Although we walked a LONG way, it was fun. It was raining the entire time but that didn't phase us, instead we played hide and seek in the park and sacrificed the dinosaur to the lake XD It was a great day. When I got home my dad was pissed and I got beat but it's fine. Since today was good, I thought I'd post and make it even better. You guys mean the world to me and sometimes, in the rough places, your comments and kind words keep me going. You are all amazing. Thank you!

1015 words

 love you guys!

- Ace O 

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